Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 182.

I was going to be productive today….

I really was.

My alarm was set for 9 am giving myself plenty of time to
sleep in….

But I have missed by bed way to much and didn’t want to

I fell back asleep until my dear baby Michelley texted me
around 10:30.


If there is anyone in this world who is going to find a

It’s her.

When I finally got out of bed I talked the BFF and dreaded

Guess what….

Still not done.

I’m still amazed at the pile of stuff that’s sitting in the front room.
I am still trying to figure out how my stuff grew…
I do not feel as though I took that much stuff up to college.
The day was not to exciting.
I showered and got ready and avoided more unpacking.
I took my little red car and put some gas in him and got a much needed haircut.
Then I came home and slept.
And dreamt about windmills.
It wasn’t to long before we were finished with dinner and preparing to head out to the Fiesta Days Rodeo in Spanish Fork.
This is our second time at the rodeo and we love it.
Unfortunatly we didn’t make it through more than an hour.
The weather decided to let loose and we were soaking.
It was fun while it lasted.
If you know me well you know that I enjoy 2 things.
Foofy hair and people watching.
No need to fret.
While I was people watching at the rodeo I found the ultimate foof of hair.
This picture does not do this woman’s hair justice.
The best part?
It poured cats and dogs, correct?
I saw this human walk by and do not even worry…..
The rain and wind and all that other good stuff had not even phased this work of art.
Ultimate Goal?
When I am old and gray and walking around at rainy rodeos….
I hope my hair stays in place.
But really….
My favorite part of the night?
When I looked down at my phone and I had a text from the boyfriend saying he had a little bit of service and was going to be able to talk for like 10 minutes.
I was soo pleased!
We got to talk for a bit but it proved to be a little difficult because we both kept cutting out.
He’s having a blast with the family in Lake Powell and still hasn’t shaved…..
But he will.
Do not even fret.
Licorice is my new nick name.
Story time.
Once upon a time we were somewhere and I saw a black dog.
In honor of my cousin, Caijsa, I named him Licorice.
Jacob said that was a stupid name for a dog and it would prefer to be named Duke.
Licorice is obviously so much better.
He told his family and thanks to his cousin’s spouse, Brady, I have a new name.
…at least it’s better than Duke.
I can’t wait until Friday!

1 comment:

  1. I am happy to know that I am not the only one putting off unpacking. My living room is full of my boxes too! Haha Miss you! P.S. I feel so honored when I make it on your blog.
