Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 165.

Once upon a time it’s Friday.
Child Development was super entertaining due to a group presentation and [lucky for them] I stayed awake.
The best part about Fridays is having only 2 classes.
Book of Mormon is only Mondays and Wednesdays which tends to be nice because I love being able to go home and sleep before Natural Disasters makes me super depressed about the world blowing up.
Today when I got out of class I headed straight home and ate some food.
Odd concept.
The neighbors made me crave mac & cheese.
I was going to just take a nap or watch my shows but the clean check paper on the table was screaming at me.
This past week I was in charge of floors and appliances.
I thought I would have enough time to get it all done but she came while I was at my interview aka like an hour earlier than usual.
It’s not that I wasn’t going to do it…
I just didn’t have the time.
Wednesday was a crazy day.
But Sarah had been harassing me about 2 things and I figured I might as well please her and get them done.
The first thing was cleaning Travis’ fish bowl.
Travis the Betta doesn’t like his bowl being cleaned.
Do you know how I know that?
As I was cleaning his bowl he jumped onto the counter.
You know how fish go crazy when they’re out of water?
Travis didn’t and now I’m worried about his well being.
He just laid there.
On my counter.
Don’t fret.
I got him back in the bowl and he was fine.
I’ll have to take him to a fish whisperer or something like that to understand him better.
I also cleaned the kitchen and the floors.
I pulled out the table, chairs, garbage can, etc, and swept like Snow White.
I even sang happy working songs.
I think Sarah was crying inside when she saw what I had done.
I was too well pleased.
After a nap and half an episode of Pretty Little Liars I went to class….
I don’t know what I did in the past life to be so blessed that my teacher doesn’t remember my name…
But it must’ve been something huge.
He only calls on you if he knows your name.
He told us so today.
I have yet to be called on.
[knock on wood…]
After class I did some homework and prepared for my little baby Michelle to come home.
Michelle has been gone an entire week and a half.
She’s home now J
We talked to the neighbors and [the talented] Tara cut my hair for me.
I was shaking and giving the table a death grip
It’s not every day that I just let someone cut my hair.
I obviously like Tara a lot.
After that was done the friend came over and we decided that we wanted dinner and to go on an adventure.
It was necessary.
Then we ran to Broulims so that I could get a diet coke and Michelle could get fruit.
We ate super quickly, grabbed Tara, and headed out.
We were going to conquer “R” mountain.

We didn’t get lost this time and were a little concerned when a man came running down the mountain.
The sunset was amazing from up there.
I mean…
I may or may not have stood in a caldera aka volcano.
I also may or may not have had a tiny bit of a panic attack when I remembered that ii exploded and would probably want to explode again
just for fun.

I guess I can cross that off my BYU-I bucket list….
Now I just have to eat the Big Judd [slash attempt].
Quite the list, I know.
At least I won’t be able to say there were too many things on the list to accomplish.
Maybe I should add going to bed before 2 am to the list….
…And not stealing toilet paper from my roomies bathroom when I’m too lazy to get some.
Once we got home from the volcano I changed and me and the friend watched Tron.
Actually the friend did.
I fell asleep like 8 million times.
By the end all I know is that there are good guys and bad guys.
Some of them wear body suits with red and others with white.
And the girl and the boy survive in the end.
Now I’m remembering that Colten as a 9 o’clock game and I need to go to bed.
Joy of college moment of the day.
Walking into my room and finding clothes from Emma tied up in my iPod cord with a note.
Emma warms my heart….
Just in case you were wondering.
Oh what a day.
Can you believe that there is only 2 more weeks left up in Rexie?
I can’t.
It’s going by too fast.
I don’t think I’m ready to leave.
Me and college are best friends now.
Fall 2011 better be the greatest!

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