Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 58.

It just so happens that for Valentines Day my grandma gave my family a giftcard to Krispie Kreme doughnuts.
I LOVE doughnuts.
aka cannot live without.
Future spouse....
...wherever you might be....
you better love doughnuts.
and hot chocolate.
Just saying.
Any way...
Mason tried to smile with his sprinkled doughnut.
Good attempt Mason.
Almost there.
Lets be completely honest here.....
Krispie Kreme,
Your doughnuts aren't that good.
They need to man up a little bit.
Yours are kinda wimpy....
I think you need to take a road trip down to Mr. Blues in Riverside, California and meet some real doughnuts.
You reminded me of a doughnut.....
...but not quite.
Good try Krispie Kreme.
Maybe next time.

In other news...
I got a hair cut.
I don't think its fair for the hair dressers to ask you how you want your hair when you're sitting in their little chair...'re soo under pressure, you're obviously not in the right state of mind to make any choices on how you [and your hair] want to be cut.
Plus they don't usually ask you until your hair is wet.
When you tell them you want a half inch off when its wet it's really like 5 feet when it's dry.
I wanted a half inch off it when it was dry....
I slowly came to remembering this after my hair was laying all over the tiled floor.
Oh well.
I like it.
It's not that short.
It'll grow back out.

Better news.
I got a letter from Elder Cloward :)
He said we're going to be the coolest married couple ever.
Wouldn't it be the best if we really ended up getting married?
I would quite enjoy that...
...but really though.
He is the greatest human I have ever met.
I now have the urge to go drive through the country in Scotland.

2 months til Elder Whatcott comes home.
I cannot wait.
I've been having dreams that he's gonna come back weird.

4 days until I got to Idaho.
I cannot wait.
I've got some big plans while I'm up there.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 57.

Once upon a time I was a small child.
Do you find this hard to believe?
I do.
So did Meg Deck.
Back to the story....
Tonight Jam [my grandma] brought back my Fisher Price Dream Dollhouse.
My cousins had been borrowing it since they moved back in with her.
I almost had a complex trying to set it up again....
Good thing I've got Trisha.
I owe you one.

It was like seeing my childhood all over again.
Santa brought me this dollhouse for Christmas when I was young.
aka 2 or 3.
It's lasted since then.
That's durability.

Wanna hear an even better story?
Once upon [another] time my mother had a vising teacher.
Whom had a daughter my age.
Whom I didn't particularly like.
It just so happened that they were having a visiting teaching moment when I came home from a friends house.
Naturally I walked up to my room.
And guess who was sitting there.
But she wasn't just sitting there....
...she was re-arranging my doll house.
MY doll house.
I don't usually think of my self as a mean person...
... but you just don't mess with the doll house.
Any way...
It just so happened that her toe was in the perfect spot.
If I slammed the door then her toe would be.... no more.
I don't exactly remember what happened next....
.... Just the fact that her toe was bleeding and I was getting in trouble and I was giving her a band-aid.
Our "friendship" never was the same.
If you're out there.... You know who you are.
I'm sorry.
Just next time don't play with the Dream Dollhouse, okay?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 56.

Dear Rexie.
I'm coming home to you for a couple of days.
Haven't you missed me?
I've missed you dearly.
I don't know why it's taken me so long to come back up to visit...
... but now I'm coming.
It seemed almost impossible for Rachel to come down...
But it all worked out perfectly.
I was writing something on my dear little Morgans facebook and all the sudden I said to myself:
"Self. It's time for you to go to the land of coldness and joy."
And just like that I got on the BYUI website and found a man that would so graciously bring me to you.
He's only charging me $25 round trip, and I don't even work Friday.
He had a spot for me.
It was meant to be.
Everytime I think about visiting I think of my girls and the wonderful times we had together.
Like the time we wore our antlers and Christmas sweaters to the ward party...
....and everyone looked at us funny?
[I think they were just jealous. It's fine.]
Those were the best...
...But times can only get better, right?
I know I'm just visiting for a couple of days, so i'll try not to get too attached.
I've still got a whole other month and a half before it's time to move back.
College is exciting.
I feel left out since i'm not actually going at this moment.
No need to fret....
....The time is coming.
I need adventure.
Don't let me down, Rexie.
Love, your favorite, me.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 55.

Dear Mr. Lind.
Remember that time in Sophomore English you told us that by the time we graduated college we [our entire class] would each have a blog?
I denied the fact.
You were right....
I said it.

Today, work was fun.
It was like a girls night out on Table 9.
No boys allowed.
We told jokes and told stories about animals.
...Let's just say you had to be there.

I NEED help.
I may or may not have gone to Mcdonalds again today during lunch.
I don't think I need to comment anymore on this....
...Does anyone know of any 12 step programs I can join?

Once upon a time I wanted a puppy.
My mother wouldn't let me get one.
[This isn't the happy thought]
So instead me and my bestie went to the store and purchased a puffer fish...
.. and named him Puppy.
He was a wonderful fish....
For the next 5 days.
I don't want to talk about it.
After many trials [and many fails] I gave up on fish.
Theodore, Lucinda, Jasper, 16 baby fishies, and countless others....
I'm sorry I let you down.
Back to the story....
[This is the happy thought]
I have decided to try much luck again.
Today I purchased a new fish bowl, colorful rocks, and a plant.
They came in a combo pack.
Cool, huh.
Next Thursday me and my bestie are going to purchase 2 new fish.
I was so excited to set up my new fish bowl but it seemed empty....

....So I added some friends for the next few days.

P.S. Meg Deck. I really like you. I also like the new blog :)

P.P.S. Nice work Chloe. You got me looking dead.
I want to see the rest now.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 54.

Wow. See the difference?
Above is the wonderful campus of UVU.
To your right is the beloved campus of BYUI.
I spent my afternoon helping out my dear friend, Chloe, with an assignment.
Chloe is majoring in....
To be completely honest.
I can't remember.
It would take me years to memorize what it is.
I don't know how she does it.
It was really fun helping her out though...
Wearing awesome clothes I would never pick myself, laying on the cement, having goosebumps all up and down my legs, standing on a big huge white paper, having people stare at me awkwardly, and looking into many bright flashes of light.
How could I forget smiling with my eyes.
At the moment I thought I had only [approximatly] $5 in my checking account, I remembered that I had applied for direct deposit and when I went to look in there.....
...I found a whole lot more than $5.
Happy day.
The dots driving you crazy, too?
I have a great need for correct line spacing, for emphasis, of course.
But unfortunatly we're not getting a long today.
I'll apologize tonight and work on having it back to the way I like it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 53.

When I asked my mother what I should write about she said that I should tell everyone how sad she was that she wasn't able to go to the BYU game tonight because she instead chose to go to the Blue & Gold banquet to see Mason get his Wolf, 5 silver arrow points, and one gold arrow point. She said that it all ended up being okay since she was able to see her favorite thing. Ever.

The Little Ceasers guy dancing on the side of the corner up by Kohlers.
If you have not seen him my mother [very] highly suggests you go see him.
Apparently he is one of the best.

Good thought of the day.
I now have my own copy of Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities.
I am an extremely large fan of this company I bought my book from.
It was supposed to come between February 24 and March 11...
...But it came today.
The book I ordered didn't have this same cover and was [what I thought] abridged.
I was surprised to see that it had a different cover but was instead unabridged.
This cover is ugly... but I'm sure I'll get over it.
Happy day.
I couldn't be more proud of Amazon right now.

I love to point at my letters and purchases and other such things.
I just want to make sure you don't miss the happiness in my life at that moment.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishmess, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--- in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being recieved, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only." - Charles Dickens [A Tale of Two Cities]

Like my work uniform?

...I know. It's cute.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 52.

I knew that spending my tonight at Mason's basketball game would pay off....
I also knew that having my BFF's little brother on the team would pay off too....
Who knew that I would have these 2 grand realizations all in one night?

As I looked around the gym that was filled and smelled of little boys I noticed one human in particular.
This human happened to looked quite a bit like someone I know..
...I couldn't figure out who.
Suddeny, It dawned on me that this person was my father.
I know.
As I got the people around me to also take a look we figured that it was him and my uncle morphed into a single person.

When I told my dad he just stared.

Half time came and my father did the brave thing.
He got up.
Walked over to this man and said something about being his long lost twin brother.
They talked for a few minutes as me and those sitting around me laughed.
It was fantastic.
One day I will be as brave as my dad.
What made this moment even better was the BFF's father taking a picture of them for me.
Reeses mini's can get you almost anything.

See the similarities?
Obviously they looked much greater from a distance.
But really.
Morph my uncle and my father....
... and you would get this human.

What a discovery.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 51.

Happy GeorgeWashingtonAbrahamLincoln Day!

This [above] scared me.
I thought I was going home to something I knew....
...But little did I know that everything in the yearbook room had changed.
I was working on double monitors.
The picture placer that I was used to was broken so instead I used file place.
I had even forgot how to whitens people's teeth.
...I always feel bad fixing people's faces....
...But we're just helping them out, right?
There is complete truth to the statement old editors never die.
I'll always come back.

I may have a slight case of the Bieber Fever.
I went on a wonderful "date" with the brother and the cousins.
[Look down]
Aren't they cute?
Kade [brother], Joseph [cousin], Caijsa [cousin].
Before the movie I texted my mom amd we made fun of the number of swooning teenage girls and awkward amount of teenage boys.
There was 7.
But by the end of the movie I might confess I was one of those swooning girls.
I'm a sucker for the hair flip.
Yes.... I realize that he is approximatly 16.
Why not, right?
The whole way home Joseph was yelling NEVER SAY NEVER!
and danced throughout the movie.
Gotta love 4 year olds :)
Watching this movie took me back down memory lane....
Sophomore year....
Jonas Brothers Concert.....
Universal City?
Do you remember?
Enough said.

Did you know that Kosher pickles aren't blessed by anyone but infact relate to Jewish dietary laws.
I knew you were wondering.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 50.

My dear little baby Morgan turned 19 today.
Her adventures began in Mamaroneck, New York then moved west to Sammamish, Washington and finally ended up as my roomie in Rexburg, Idaho.
She was the last one to move into Lamprecht 310.
She brought so much...... energy.
Morgan would usually be found eating a lunch consisting of:
Tuna Packets.
A pickle.
String Cheese.
and Grapes.
She often did her homework in formal dresses.
6:30 every morning before she got in the shower she would come find me and with her tired eyes and tell me good morning.
Thats a good roomie.
Together we enjoyed listening to Stuttering. Lipsyncing into my webcam. Eating Top Ramen. Walking to Broliums. Watching Stick-it and other movies. Taking naps. Walking to class together trying to keep warm at 7:30 in the morning. Talking about boys. and who could forget putting a bright pink streak in her hair?
The Sunday before finals Morgan decided that she wanted her hot pink streak redone just in time for her to head home and show the world that she was an adult. The first time her friend, Mackenzie, had done it.... but now it was my turn.
There were no gloves and I didn't think that it would actually dye my hands.
Was I wrong about that.
People asked if my parents were smurfs for a whole week.
I love you Morgy :)
I hope you have had a wonderful 19th birthday.

Also, today my dear friend Preston Scott Parker had his farewell.
He will be heading to the Fresno California Mission on March 2.
Preston is someone who was always there to give me a hug and ask how my many "boyfriends" are.... hahaha.
He will make your day better in an instant.
One of my favorite memories with Preston is when he came and spoke to us girls in the ward up at Girls Camp after one of his many sugeries.
Fresno California is lucky to have a missionary like you, Pres.
Good Luck!
One last thought.
There has been this one boy.
Since 9th grade.
I've dreamed about talking to him and today I had the chance....
Oh wait.
No I didn't.
I ran away.
It's fine, really.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 49.

After my efforts tonight I feel as if I should be granted into thee Babysitters Club.
Just saying....
Four children.
One of them whom was sick and threw up twice.
It would've been an extrememly large problem if he wasn't so stinkin cute.
What do you think the truth about Stacey is?

I, Quinci Erin Whatcott have a problem.
I ate Mcdonalds again tonight.
It's been a week....
....But still.
Fortunatly I only got a large Diet Coke and one Spicy McChicken.
Bad Quinci, Bad!

Today I went on an adventure.
I got a little fork.
But really.... I think it was a thingamabob.
Like the one Ariel has?
It worked wonders when I combed my hair with it.
Even though Ariel doesn't wear much and talks to fish all day...
....I don't think we give her enough credit.

Another thought.
Men currently living in St. George that drive Beamers and work at cup cake factories.
Park your car in your garage tonight.
I have a Louisville Slugger and am NOT afraid to use it.
Heard the Carrie Underwood song?
Go look it up.
and watch out.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 48.

There is a wonderful thing about being getting out of work early.....
.... and then I remember that I didn't get 40 hours.
But it's fine because I couldn't stand cutting labels with the AC breathing down my neck anymore.
Today, I beat my record.
I cut 2244 labels.
I think I should buy myself a trophy or something.
In the end it was payday so everything was good.
After work I picked up my BFF Jill and we went to our favorite place.
Cafe Rio.
Do you see a pattern in my life?
I Love Cafe Rio.
The word 'love' doesn't even begin to express my feelings for the soft tortilla, sweet pork, pinto beans, and the people behind the glass wall that create my masterpiece.
The best part about going to Cafe Rio is sharing.
I wanted a salad and a burrito.
She wanted a salad and a burrito.
Problem solved.
After our stomachs were filled with joy, we drove back to the Rutter home where we put on our painting clothes and began painting the cabinets.
Wood looking to cream colored.
I like it.
Pink shirt. Blue gym shorts. White Leggings. Knee high black heart socks. Ankle pink, red, and orange ankle socks.
Just call me Asher Lev.
As we painted we listened to talks by Sheri Dew.
That was great.
Though I'm a little worried that the section I painted is going to scream at me everytime I'm over there....
.... I think it will be wonderful when it's all finished,
It just might look like Martha [Stewart]'s kitchen.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 47.

It has come to pass that not having to work today turned into a great thing.
Pork Burrito. Enchilada style. Pinto beans. Mild sauce. Diet Coke.
Cafe Rio for breakfast is never never never a bad thing....
My mother decided that since her friends didn't show up to sewing today she needed something great... aka Cafe Rio.
If you didn't know it's the #1 Mexican restaurant in the nation.
Isn't that just a given?
After we feasted upon our most craved food we headed to Kohls where we found something great.
If you know me at all you know that I LOVE socks.
Any size. Any shape.
But they have to be colorful.
I got two pairs.

After our wonderful purchase of 2 pairs of socks we headed to DI.
For what you may ask...
...I wasn't really sure.
Anything, I guess.
But I wanted a Christmas Sweater.
Unfortunatly there weren't any.
No worries...
... I still have 3 or 4 months before I really have to start looking.
Our adventures finished after we went to the bank and headed home.
Me and my mother finished my FAFSA for this upcoming school year and began to file my 2010 taxes.
Don't fret.
I'm getting a great grand total of...
...oh wait....
Oh well.

It took me much longer than anticipated to clean my room.
You see... My pores were screaming at me.
and they were not happy.
So I carefully rubbed the green goopy face mask on thick enough until you would've mistaken me for the monster under your bed.
Stop laughing.
It's not that funny.
Back to the cleaning....
I decided to attack one of my shelving units.
With a toothbrush.
Its clean :)

To conclude this wonderful day I made a paper chain counting down the days until Elder Whatcott comes home after 2 short years.
71 days.
The end of the chain is home to a piece of paper you would see around Christmas time.
Ho. Ho. Ho.
I imagine the day he comes home will quite possibly be better than Christmas.
.... Now I've just gotta find somewhere to hang it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 46.

Just take a guess at what my adventure was today.
Keep guessing.
You're gonna be jealous.
I can already feel it.

Today will go down in the history books as the adventure of February 16, 2011.

It all began around 6:15 when Chloe picked me up...
...the wind was blowing at speeds fast enough to push her little baby car into the next lane over, the snow was coming from the sky just as hard and as fast as...
use your imagination.
But the weather was crazy.
We were driving up to the Hale Center Theater in West Valley to view opening night of Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities.
My heart was crying at the fact that we were there....
.... but in the end my eyes were crying because it was so spectacular!
Everything about it was unreal.
The stage. The set. The sounds.
Thats all I have to say for the show.
You really won't understand unless you see it yourself.
Which I highly recommend.
Seeing that I loved it so much I have already purchased the book.
It was that good.

The drive home was whole other adventure.
As we entered the freeway in Lehi we noticed that it was unusually dark.
All the [stupid] stoplights were out.
Alpine Highway was blocked off aka closed.
All the street lights were out.
It seemed like a ghost town.
We some how ended up in Traverse Mountain but then made it back to the freeway safely after following a white mini van.
Chloe said it was only because a mom was probably driving the mini van and they [moms] always know what they are doing.

Which brings up the question: What happens when the straight and narrow is blocked off or closed? Do you take the detour or do you go the long way around.
We figured that it would be a great General Conference talk, someday.

Fortunatly we made it home safely :)
Thanks for a super amazing night Chloe!
I hope Titanic: The Musical brings us just as much joy!

A few last thoughts:
Jackson Healey. Congrats on your call to Kobe, Japan! My brain still doesn't believe this! You are going to be a fantastic missionary! I am so excited to hear what this adventure has in store for you! Good Luck Smacks!
Work. I get the day off tomorrow aka I get to sleep in :) WOO HOO!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 45.

If there was a picture to describe our relationship it would be this.
I try and be lovey and a great sister to this one...
... but he is always annoyed for some reason.
Meet Gage aka Pat aka Patricia aka Trisha.
He turned 15 today.
Good luck this year....
He's a typical 9th grader.
He was even bold enough to tell me I was to embarrassing to go out with in public.
He is a great one.
He is a wonderful drummer and one of the newest members of the AFHS Drumline.
Happy Birthday Trisha.

Do you see that beautiful young women on the right?
Well... they're both beautiful...
But it just so happens that Chloe shares a birthday with my dear brother.
Chloe is amazing at everything she does.
She used to Irish Dance, she is a wonderful photographer, an awesome student and will be graduated years before us, and will always brighten your day.
We're friends because we're picky.... BAHAHA.
We like adventures.
Irish Dancing shows.
Hale theater plays.
Titanic the musical.
One can only wonder what is next.
Happy 19th birthday Chloe!
I love you!

The highlight of my day was quite possibly when my husband sent me a facebook message letting me know that she started a blog.....
I have a feeling that you'll enjoy blogging.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 44.

One of my favorite things in the whole wide world would be watching home movies.
After a feast of heart shaped waffles and bacon...
....the movies began.
The memories of being a young child are so fun.
Little by little they come back.
The joy and excitement of watching mason take his first steps
Watching kade in his power ranger costume [attempting] to sing halloween songs
Watching Gage play basketball and pitch during his baseball games
Watching Jace's graduation and remembering he's actually a real person.
It's wonderful.
Time for bed.
Happy Valentines Day.
My dad loves my mom.
Do you know why?
He got her BYU basketball game tickets for Valentines Day.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 43.

Meet Mason.
Today I decided that I would draw him without looking at the paper.
He was chewing....
....can't you tell?
Just call me Asher Lev.
Oh the joys.

Happy [early] Valentines Day!
These so happen to be the product of 2 days of hard work of my mother and myself.
I was.
I have a confession....
I am no pro a frosing sugar cookies so the one that I frosted looked like it had been frosted by feet.....
Thank heavens that my mother is a pro and none of them looked like feet had touched them :)

They joy of today was sitting in Primary with my 4 year olds and listening to sharing time when one of the sunbeams got up and said she was greatful for her dog.....
.... she doesn't have a dog.
Me and her mother got a good laugh out of that :)

oh. Rachel.
I know you're reading this.
Where is your blog?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 42.

Sorry... It's not very clear.
But what the heck.... Its a picture.

If you didn't know.....
My mother happens to make thee most wonderful sugar cookies.
Even when she would send them to me up in college they'd be soft.
Since I don't like them with frosting...
...she'd even send me some without frosting.
Now thats love.
But even the ones with frosting don't even look like they were frosted with her feet.
If cookies look like they were frosted with someones feet chances are that they really were....
So watch out.
Since Monday happens to be Valentines Day we needed heart shaped cookies.
It wasn't really an option.
We made the dough at 9:00 and I felt like I was back in college.

This morning me and my mother attended stake womens conference.
It was wonderful.
I adore aged[or rather experienced] women.
My face hurt so bad from laughing.
Sister Lund and Sister Peterson were wonderful teachers.
Find humor in life and trials.
Find the things that really matter in life.
Good. Better. Best.

Plus when I woke up and looked out the window I saw 2 colorful hot air balloons.
Obviously it was going to be a good day.
Balloons always make life good.
Plus my english paper is published online now.
I'll admit I was proud of myself.
My teacher gave me a not so good score on this one and told me it was too many words.
Plus I got a Mcdonals ice cream.
I haven't had one of those in ages.
.....but I still need to clean my room.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 41.

Like I've said before....
One day I'll take my own pictures again.

This here is the beautiful city of Kobe, Japan.
Do you know what else is here?
Or rather who else is going to be here?
Elder Adam Day.
My dear friend was called to serve in this beautiful place and will report to the MTC on June 1.
He is going to be one amazing missionary.
People of Kobe, Japan.....
Prepare yourselves for one amazing young man.
Good Luck Adam.

I also got to go to a party in Provo with the bestie and her boyfriend.
If you really know me.... know that I'm not much of a partier.
We listened to the music and watched the people dance.
It kinda felt like a stake dance all over again.
It was hot. People kept coming. People were entertaining to watch. It was impossible to get to the door to leave. There was a human dressed up like cupid. There were small refreshments such as cookies, chips, soda, etc.
The life of a college student :)

Other great thoughts of day:
-Got out of work at 2:30
-My $12 debts to my little brothers have finally been paid off.
-Missionary letters.... From missionaries both [completely] random and not.

Not so great thought:
-Team 9's Safety Ball made of extra labels is MISSING!
[aka we're no longer safe]

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 40.

High school auditorium.

Today was happy.
Got done with work at noon.
Went to Pizza Pie Cafe with Colten.
Took a nap.
Went to one acts at the high school with Bestie.
Call me partial, but Davie....
....Your's was awesome.
I also liked the wrong number one.....
....gotta love a good murder.

I even talked to Meggie tonight.
She's a wonderful one ... not a hopeless mess ;)

Just in case you're wondering:
-there are 41 stoplights from my house to work.
-the "G" on the mountain was all lit up tonight.
-tomorrow is friday.
-my finger still isn't healed... odd.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 39.

My one regret....
Not bringing my camera.

For those of you who don't know...
I LOVE Phantom of the Opera.
Girls Camp was filled with singing songs from the show,
as were random times such as driving through corn fields.

We didn't know if we were going to get in.... the show was sold out.
Fortunatly there were enough no shows and we got in!
The seats weren't the greatest.... but never the less.... we got in.
Colten and Mckell ended up sitting in front of me.
I sat by this very nice, random girl.

The show was phenomenal.
I cried.
The phantom was the cousin of a dear friend.
Evan, you did an amazing job.

Go see it.....
Its only at PGHS for the rest of the week.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 38.

Dear Mr. Snow Plow,
Where were you this morning when the roads needed you most?
You see.... They were covered in snow.
There were many drivers who slid through intersections or [like myself] slid into the next lane over.
Thanks to those drivers who were paying really good attention.
I realize that you get hardly any funding....
I propose we start saving all our spare change in order to do something about this.
Regardless, I really appreciated you showing up down by Wells Fargo.
Let's be friends and figure something out.
Love Me.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 37.

Each day as I'm driving to work I drive down this street.
Each day as I drive to work I pass Gloria's Little Italy.
Each day I drive past Gloria's Little Italy I want to go in.

..... One day i'll really go.

Everyday when I drive to work I want to count the stop lights....
But for some reason I always forget that I want to count.....
Until I'm halfway home.
Don't Fret.
That's what tomorrow is for.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 36.

How about we have an honesty moment.....
This is a no judging zone,

I love sports.
Baseball, mostly.
But I really don't care who wins the Super Bowl.....

....I just wanna watch the new Glee episode.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 35.

This is Emma.
She woke me up this morning...
via text.
8:00 am.
Pictured above is the day we were [almost] matching.
It was great.
We both were wearing navy blue and had bows.
We are living together in the springy time.
I hope you are enjoying Pennsylvania :)

Ranch Bacon Burger.
We decided to take a family trip to JCW's since tomorrow is Fast Sunday.
Mason [above] is obviously enjoying his hamburger.
I tried to get a good picture....
....but in the end this is what became of my attempts.
Gotta love that kid even though all he does is talk about sports.

OH! Today I got a letter from Elder Cody Elaine.
He is loving his mission.
He is loving the MTC.
I cannot wait to see this human in 2 years :)
It's great!

"....every great artist is a man who has freed himself from his family, his nation, his race. Every man who has shown the world the way to beauty, to true culture, has been a rebel, a "universal" without patriotism, without home, who has found his people everywhere......Millions of people can draw. Art is whether or not there is a scream in him wantng to get out in a special way."
My Name is Asher Lev.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 34.

So confession.....
....I have a slight love for "crappy" food.
Gas station hot chocolate.
McDonalds Hot and Spicy McChicken sandwich.
McDonalds vanilla soft serve ice cream.
Wal-Mart doughnuts.
Great Value chocolate chip cookies.
.....Need I go on?

Once upon a time long long ago....
Me. Gage. Ryan.

Today we decided to re-live this moment.
and it happened to be a most perfect occasion because [if you didn't know] you can now purchase 50 chicken nuggets for $9.99.
When I went to Mr. Cash Register aka Isaiah and asked for 50 chicken nuggets he looked at me like I was 5.
Which is happening more and more frequently....
That is what 50 chicken nuggets look like.
Do you see these 2 wonderful 14 year old men?
Meet Ryan and Gage.
My McDonalds buddies.

We conquered the 50 chicken nuggets.
I think my McDonalds phase is over......

After this adventure I joined my dear friend, Chloe for a relaxing evening.
Catching up.
Chick Flick.
What more do I need out of a Friday night?

....Oh yeah. Sleep.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 33.


Do you know what today is?
It's Missionary Letter Thursday!
Today I wrote 3 of my favorite people.....
I'm so proud of my missionaries.

Elder Whatcott.
Elder Cody Elaine.
Elder Cloward.

Nice work men.

Tomorrow is Friday.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 32.

The classic.
2 beef paties.
Special sauce.
Onions on a sesame seed bun.
You so want one.

The other day I had a Big Mac for the first time in my life.
Interesting experience.
It wasn't as big as I imagined it.
I guess I figured it was gonna be.....
I dunno....
It's fine though cuz it came with a diet coke and fries :)

Go ahead.
Take a bite.

Clogged Arteries?



Live a little.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 31.

Do you see the human on the far left?
I'm claiming him.
That's my dad and today is his birthday.
He's turning 51 years young.
Let me tell you a little about him.
He gets up and goes to work everyday.
He doesn't really like painting so much.
He was in the Army for 20 years.
He's the youngest in his family.
He loves America's Funniest Home Videos.
He's worked on cars for as long as I can remember and knows everything about them.
He loves to go to our activities and supports us in everything we do.
He loves sweedish fish.
He doesn't like tonails....... haha.
He's mine.
I happen to think that he is one of the greatest people that I know. He works hard. He honors his priesthood. He loves me. I love going on drives and talking to him. He laughed really hard tonight when I showed him scare tactics on youtube [it was halarious]. I hope I can find someone just like him.
I love you dad.
Happy Birthday.