Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 176.

I am sorry to bother you with this silly matter... But there are some boys
across the alley way that are INCESSANTLY laughing!! And it is not just a
little chuckle, it is a big, bellowing gafaw! I know that our apartment is not
innocent and that we have been disruptive and loud in our own way. Our
apartment is not alone in this.... The whole third floor can hear these boys
laughing day in and day out.... and now with the stress finals it has become
even more annoying!
I COMPLETELY understand if nothing can be done...
Thank you SO much,
Apt. 314 girls
Sometimes in college me and my roomies are able to find the humor in everyday things such as laughing….
And sometimes it DRIVES US CRAAAAAAZY.
I don’t think that the laugh this boy [boy…. Not man…] has is humanly possible.
We’re all convinced that it’s a recording of some sort.
Both me and Sarah were amazed when Emma yelled at him from her bedroom window.
She was in the middle of the sentence and all the sudden she leaned to the window and yelled..
You had to be there.
I don’t know if it was the fact that Emma actually sent the email or the fact that she actually yelled at
Probably both.
Me and Sarah were crying.
It was fantastic.
Today has been one of the best days ever.
[despite the fact that I woke up 3 hours late and didn’t shower……]
H&PofE was fantastic.
I’m a little bit sad the class is over.
Me and the boyfriend walked to his class and the amount of people he knows never ceases to amaze me.
I headed home but not before a quicky phone call to the BFF and we chatted about matters of life.
Once we got off the phone and I finally looked at the clock and realized that I had not yet done my
artistic expression for my TinA&C class….
I figured I needed to do it since I wasn’t planning on going to class that day.
Don’t fret.
I let the kindergartener come out in me.
I ran to my room…
Grabbed a piece of paper, crayons, and my change jar.
Approximately 2 minutes later and I had my project.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.

The day continued with washing my hair since I may or may not have been too lazy to shower.
I was attempting to study and all those good things…..
But Tyler’s blue sparkly silly putty was waaay to distracting.
Remember that one time I’m like a kindergartener?
True fact.
I was able to study for my child development test and take an hour long nap while the roomies went to Rigby Lake.
The day continued on and I just avoided doing homework slash packing.
Finally the boyfriend texted me and we headed up to Idaho Falls to visit the family.
His mom had made Homemade CafĂ© Rioish salad which was so nice….
It was real food….
None of this Top Ramen crap.
We hung out and chatted and rode the 4 wheeler up on the mountain.
It was fantastic.
We headed home because we knew we needed to get to bed on time.
Oh the joys of college and finals week.
But before we left he felt the need to paint my finger nails.
I have thee world’s greatest boyfriend.
…..or is he the world’s strangest boyfriend?
As he was walking me back to my apartment we saw Emma coming from his apartment so naturally we both yelled her name….
Right as she was jumping.
Bless her little heart….
She landed knees first on the pavement and now has a beautiful collection of scrubs all over her body.
Sorry baby Emma…..
When I say today was thee greatest thing…
It’s not a lie.
I am not longer unemployed.
I’ll be working for the housing office next fall and am soo pleased.
Apartment 304 will be painted and I will no longer feel as though I am living in a jail cell.
I got an A on a test that I was too afraid to look at my score for.
And I played with silly putty all day……
Life is good.

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