Once upon a time I moved away from Rexie…..
For reals.
My dishes were still sitting in the sink.
I loaded up the dishwasher and sat.
And waited.
And waited some more.
At that point I wasn’t too tired and I wasn’t worried about getting to bed since I didn’t have to work until noon.
198 comments on one post.
Isn’t that a record?
If it’s not….
It should be.
For reals.
I put my things in boxes and bins and pulled my pictures off the wall.
I seem to have this problem with procrastinating packing…
Since me and Emma decided to party a little bit last night, I didn’t get anything done.
It was around 1:15 or so when I actually decided it was time.
I wasn’t too worried about everything else, but I knew my forks, knifes, and plates were ready to be packed up.Problem?
My dishes were still sitting in the sink.
I loaded up the dishwasher and sat.
And waited.
And waited some more.
At that point I wasn’t too tired and I wasn’t worried about getting to bed since I didn’t have to work until noon.
Facebook was my only option to keep boredom from making me crazy.
I ended up messaging Jace until 4:15…198 comments on one post.
Isn’t that a record?
If it’s not….
It should be.
He told me he thought the boyfriend is a really great guy.
I was so pleased.
Do you know what it takes to get a guy to impress the brother?
I’m not actually sure.
Around 4:30 I figured the couch was calling me.
Emma was heading to the airport at 6:30 and so I had to get up and send her off.
Bun pat.
I’m gonna miss my Em.
After sleeping for an hour and a half, me and Sarah were able to send her off.
I am really pleased by the fact that its only a 7 ½ week break….
So it’s like a vacation.
Not like I’m counting down the days or anything.
I went back to the couch but it wasn’t too long until boxes were being dropped on the counter and the door was being slammed.
Bad punch.I got up around 9:30 and frantically began to pack.
I was working at noon and I still had so much to do.
Thank heavens for the parentals.
I headed up the dorms and the fun began.
Check out after check out….
Pandora station after Pandora station….
Mail forwarding address after mail forwarding address….
Chocolate bar after chocolate bar….
Work is always a blast.
After 7 hours me and Shannon were doing final walk throughs in the dorms and she explained her thoughts on clean checks:
“Clean checks are worse than having a baby.”I was laughing so hard…
I [personally] have never had a child….
And I didn’t think that clean checks were that bad.
I guess having children will be a breeze.
I was so excited with the fact that I found wonderful things in the DI pile.
If you didn’t know I may or may not be addicted to the DI pile at Lamprecht.
My outfit today was partially provided by my friends in the dorms.
I also got the Book of Mormon board game.Winner winner chicken dinner.
Purpose of getting the game?
Obviously to prove the older brother that he is not the master of scripture….
I have a feeling it will be hard to prove.Lunch was provided by subway.
Me and Kali both ate a full foot long.
That may or may not have been my 3rd time eating subway this week.
No comment.
I was so pleased to see Brett and Cymoni when they were sitting the car waiting for me.
I think they were a little hesitant to claim me as their daughter when they saw I was wearing a bright blue sweater thing that I had [obviously] found in the DI pile.
We headed back to MP 314 and retrieved Travis and my wallet.
Me and Sarah threw the rest of the garbage away, said our goodbyes for 7 ½ weeks and headed our ways.
I’m really gonna miss my girls.
Before we left, me and the parents got something to eat.Guess what it was….
Come on…
I may or may not currently be in love with Subway.
Just be proud that when I had the choice I picked that over McDonalds.
Now as I sit in the back of the van surrounded by all my stuff just off the Thanksgiving Point exit I can’t believe that it’s really over.
It’s almost as if it didn’t happen….
But it did.
Do you know how I know that?
Because I have one of Emma’s shirts sitting in my dirty clothes basket, I’m eating ice, I’m wondering if Michelle has blogged yet, I’m hoping the boyfriend will shave his face while at Lake Powell, I’m trying to decide if Sarah will fall in love with Elvis when she moves to Memphis, and my fingernails are still blue with a red stripe down the middle.
It’s gonna be a blast being back with the family.It’s been over 2 years since we all lived together for a longish period of time.
I love the idea of being home.
Let’s hope the adventures can measure up.
…..I hope Travis made the ride okay.
Let’s be completely honest….
I’m a little nervous to check and see.
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