Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 262.

Guess what?
Life is good.
Currently I’m sitting in the MC with my girls…
Listening to my favorites on youtube….
[Josh. Michael. Adele. & Others.]
People watching…
Eating M&M’s…
And doing homework.
I’m ready for the semester to be over and to start fresh…
But this semester has also been a good one.
Through the ups and the downs everything seems to have worked itself out.
‘Men’s Hearts Shall Fail Them.’
Have you seen it?
Elder Russell M. Nelson shares a story that reminds me, reminds us that everything is okay.
Life tends to be hard occasionally…
But just as quickly as it starts…
It finishes.
Just like my bishop said….
“Why not me?”
God knows that I can do this.
I know can do this.
I will do this.
I’m learning and I’m growing.
[Unfortunately I’m not growing taller….]
Life is fantastic.
Thoughts on the day:
I have been waiting 1000 hours to get a letter from Elder Whatcott.
If only I had a dollar for every time I’ve checked my e-mail.
I had to pay $4.26 to send Trish his calculator that I [accidentally] stole….
And then I texted him to tell him…
And I just remembered why he didn’t text me back.
He is currently experiencing high school just as I did...
Without a phone.
Travis is finally home.
I don’t think Travis quite enjoyed 305 as much as he likes 304….
Wanna guess how I know that?
His tank was quite a bit more ‘poopy’ than it usually is after 6 days.
No worries.
I cleaned it.
Welcome home Travis.
Megs car died as she was going to buy woman things….
Don’t fret.
Jace saved it.
When I went with Meg to take it on a ‘stay alive’ drive we waved at an attractive man.
Do you know why we did that?
Because we’re attractive too…
And that’s what attractive people do when they see each other.
All my classes got out early today..
Except for science.
But me and the breakfast club went to freshens for bagels and other such things after English.
Cinnamon bagel with cream cheese?
New addiction.
[One day I won’t mention what I eat in a blog….]
We played ABC scavenger hunt for HEG and group 2 met a group of boys in the elevator…
And my group made fun of how my mouth is open in every picture.
I can’t think of any homework that is due for tomorrow….
Super win.
Wanna know the SUPER WIN of the day?
The man who the fish is named after aka the real life Travis…
You know?
He approached me in the MC and we spoke…
For approximately 10 minutes.
Maybe my newly found singleness is going to be a good thing….

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 261.

Break is over and it’s time to head back to the real world….
Actually it’s not that bad...
Boredom is not my thing.
I love spending Sundays at home.
I love being able to sit in a real people ward…
YSA wards are for fake people.
I was so pleased that the [not] brother’s farewell just so happened to be the Sunday that I was home.
He did fantastic.
Don’t fret.
I got a picture with him….
And [invisible] Colten.
Good Luck Elder Flinders.
The people of Texas are going to love you!
See you in 2 years!
Relief Society consisted of a lesson….
And an extremely obvious ring check.
Obviously word didn’t get around as fast as I thought it would.
I spent time explaining life’s current situation and seeing old[ish] friends and talking to my bishop.
There is nothing greater than a home word bishop.
It was great.
The rest of the night consisted of packing….
Cleaning my room….
Signing my winter 2012 contract….
[Win for no longer being homeless]
And waiting for Jace and Meredith to get home from their journey to Chicago.
Don’t fret.
They pulled in around 5 and we didn’t leave for Rexie until approximately 7:45.
We pulled into MP around close to midnight.
[aka way past my old person bedtime]
It’s completely fine that the trip was full of Josh, Il Divo, Jace and Meredith weird conversations, ‘airplane stops,’ word games, being squished in the back seat with my Christmas tree, and other interesting things…..
Thank heavens for being home….
And stealing Trisha’s calculator.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Day 260.

It is okay to go to visit Café Rio twice in 2 days…
No worries.
I may or may not have gained a significant amount of weight while home for the break…
Isn’t that what Thanksgiving is for anyways?
Oh well.
Hopefully it will keep me warm up in Rexie.
After my dinner date with the parents we headed to Costco to fill up the little silver car in preparation for the trek back to Rexie tomorrow.
Santa was there filling up his car.
Although I’m a little worried that this ‘Santa’ isn’t preparing for Christmas…
He was driving a brand new car…
And his hair and beard was a lovely shade of not white.
And he smelled like beef and cheese…..
[Name that movie]
He did not smell like Christmas.
The men in the gas filling space next to me gave me quite the looks when they noticed my efforts to get a picture of this fake Santa man….
It’s all for a good cause…
My entertainment.
The rest of the night was full of decorating the tree and Scrabble.
….and staying up way past bedtime.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 259.

Black Friday has a whole new meaning this year.
It was around 8 when me and Trisha decided that we wanted to go and see what all the excitement was about…
Game plan?
We were hoping to come up with it when we saw the actual situation.
It couldn’t really be that bad….
We pulled into the parking lot to the right of the choice store around 11:35ish.
[Obviously we should’ve planned ahead].
We didn’t make it to the back of line until about 11:40.
We had a lovely view of the back side of Old Navy and Justice.
The back of the line was 611 steps away from the entrance of Target.
We counted.
Rumor had it that they were letting 30 people in every 15 seconds.
There must’ve been a [hecka] lot of people due to the fact that we didn’t enter the store until 12:26.
Don’t fret.
We made it in alive.
We had a few people try and cut…
But I think the intimidating faces that me and Trisha [naturally] posses lead them straight to the back of the line.
We shopped for approximately 23 minutes and in that time we conquered the crowed.
We found $14.98 black ankle boots, $5 Rookie of the Year movie, $9.95 Scrabble…
And the reason we went…
A $2.99 pack of gum.
It’s completely fine that we were in line to check out for almost an hour.
Patience is a virtue….
Patience is a virtue….
Patience is a virtue….
We finally arrived home at 2:18.
And Trisha had successfully gotten his Black Friday pack of gum.
Though me and Trisha had fun throwing elbows, watching the prego women in ridiculous shoes, hearing about how people had to pay $5 to getting an Xbox from some guy who had hoarded them in the back, heading into Wal-Mart just after 2 and finding it to be a complete ghost town, and watching people spend unreal amounts of money on everything….
It obviously wasn’t enough.
Mother-daughter Black Friday shopping started a little after noon.
Fortunately Target had calmed down when we got there.
It was relaxing trip to the store compared to how things had been earlier that morning….
We made it safely through Target, Famous Footwear, the Hallmark store, and Bed, Bath & Beyond.
We couldn’t help but smell what was cooking across the street.
I fell in love…
Café Rio never lets me down.
Lunch was like meeting with an old friend….
My pork burrito, enchilada style.
[Obviously] it wouldn’t be a trip to Café Rio without a picture…..
We conquered the mall…
We conquered the wind…
We conquered the ‘Black Friday crowd’ that [possibly] comes out once a year... But only with the help of the recently acquired Josh Groban Christmas CD.
I also turned into a 9 year old girl and got my picture taken with the Justin Beiber cut out right in front of Macy’s…..Don’t judge.
Without fail..
Every year…
I shop until I drop.
Now it’s time to prove myself in a game of Scrabble.
6 points.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 258.

Happy Thanksgiving.
In typical Mason fashion….
We had to compare his muscles to the muscles of the turkey.
Let’s be completely honest.
The turkey may or may not have had a little bit more to offer….
Thursday was great.
The fam came around noon and we ate soon after.
More naps…
And the Muppets movie followed.
Let it be known…
Contrary to popular belief…
There were NO dirty moments in the Muppet movie.
The immediate Whatcott clan hasn’t had a thanksgiving all together in the last 3 years.
The oldest was out on a mission and then finally when he came home another one left.
This year the oldest one went back to the land of his mission instead of spending thanksgiving with us.
No worries.
We still love him all the same.
Looking back…
It’s been a crazy year…
But I’ve continually been blessed.
I’m grateful for my family.
I’m grateful for the life’s experiences.
I’m grateful for the opportunities I have.
I’m grateful for the chance I have to study at BYU-Idaho.
I’m grateful for my job and the people that it has brought into my life.
I’m grateful for the gospel in my life and the peace it brings.
I’m grateful that my bothers have been able to serve missions.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to grow better each day.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 257.

Sometimes when you’re in college your roomies leave you all by yourself for the night…
And Travis [the fish] isn’t there to protect you due to the fact that the neighbors are kind enough to babysit him over the holiday weekend.
Bedtime last night was 10:30.
I’m pleased to say that my night consisted of ironing and hanging up my clothes.
I know….
Living the dream.
In the end it was all worth it.
The adventures at work would’ve been too much to handle without enough sleep.
It all started when we [Leticia. Mandy. Me.]remembered it was time to find Christmas.
We began our journey to the holidays by getting the basement key from University Communications.
They were sticklers about giving us the key….
It was obvious that they were jealous that we were decorating and they weren’t.
Let me tell you….
The basement in the Kimball is a sketchy place…..
A very sketchy place.
We were almost positive that it was full of ghosts of Ricks College past….
Though there were none to be found we did find an unusual amount of hula-hoops, old desks, and police bikes.
After spending [way too much] time in the basement…
It came to pass that it was time to start bringing in the Christmas spirit.
The tree was fluffed and set up in the corner; the lights were put on and began to decorate.
Super win.
Due to the fact that the Housing and Student Living Office ornaments were sent to surplus…
We had to make our own.
Everyone in the office is now a proud owner of a Quinci or Mandy original.
In the end…
The tree was wonderful.
Troy [the director] even ended up at the top.
Think of it as a….
Organizational chart.
[Notice.I’m at the top.  Win.]
And now I’m home.
I love being home.
I love being able to sit at my kitchen table and do whatever I want.
I love being able to eat real life food.
I love being able to sleep in my own bed.
I was ready for a vacation.
Thanksgiving break came at the perfect time.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 256.

Do you know why I came to college?
The real reason that I came to college?
Obviously it was to have slumber parties with Emma on the hard floor.
I usually go to bed before 11…
But due to last night’s exciting events I didn’t get anything done…
It was 12:30 when me and Emma decided to pull out the blankets and take a nap in the middle of the living room floor.
The plan was to take a [cat] nap for an hour then get up and finish our stuff.
My [cat] nap lasted until 7.
It’s fine because I did my homework…
And skipped my class to go on a doughnut run.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 255.

In general…
I consider myself to be a [relatively] happy person.
I don’t usually let my emotions get the best of me.
Usually being the key word.
I don’t exactly know what got a hold of my mind.
Story time.
Today I woke up not in a good mood.
Do you know why?
Because I didn’t go to bed in a good mood.
It was late and I was irrationally thinking about my life.
Not recommended.
I didn’t sleep good.
I even bought myself 2 pop tarts for breakfast…
That’s how you know there is a problem.
Pop tarts?
I’m not 5…..
Fast forward.
No one really cares about the events of my day.
The day was really long…
Work was really long…
Everyone there just wanted to go home…
I just wanted to go home and go to bed…
Unfortunately there other things on my list of things to do….
Such as laundry, homework, and a quick run to the store.
Me and Emma went on a super top secret adventure to purchase $1 bread and $1 butter….
I got home and a friend was sitting at my kitchen table with the roomies…
Eating their Mac & Cheese and chips.
It all happened very fast.
Suddenly she was standing in front of me…
Trying to explain…
Then I was yelling…
And then I ran away.
It had all built up inside and it had to get out….
And it sure [as heck] came out.
I’m pretty sure I’ve never yelled at anyone in my life…
Until this point.
Not a fan.
I didn’t think I had it in me.
But apparently I did.
Those who witnessed told me they didn’t think that I had it in me…
That they were waiting for me to break out in laughter…
But instead I just ran.
The friend who was eating the Mac & Cheese and chips ran for the door as soon as he could.
I don’t think I have seen a human try to get out of a room so fast in my life…
He ran out of the room so fast that he even took our hand drying towel…
He was mid hand drying.
Poor guy….
He had no idea what he was in for when he walked through our front door.
He had me start walking to the car and he stayed back to talk to Meg..
He told her that everything would be okay and we’d be friends again within the hour.
We went for a drive and sat in the Wal-Mart parking lot for over an hour talking about everything.
It wasn’t his to fix…
But he fixed it anyways.
We had a nice chat about why I came to this school and the events leading up to me being here again in the winter time.
He then told me it was now my turn to fix it.
He bought the peace offering….
A large Diet Dr. Pepper.
He bought himself chocolate milk…
Possibly to keep him from going into shock…
I love you.
I’m sorry I yelled at you.
I’m sorry I took it all out on you.
You didn’t deserve it.
You’ve stuck with me the past month…
You’ve woken me up mid-nightmare and bought me treats to get me to eat food…
You’ve dealt with my snotty, selfish attitude…
You’ve been there for me the mornings that I wasn’t able to wake myself up…
You’ve been there to tell me my outfit isn’t very cute.
Like you always say….
We’ve been married for 39 years…
We might as well make it to 50.
It’s really too bad that we didn’t have someone recording this whole ordeal…
I’m sure the looks on all of our faces were priceless…..

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 254.

Sometimes we go to stadium singing just so we can stare at attractive men…..
Even when we do go with men.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 253.

After being an 80 year old lady and going to bed before midnight on a Friday night I figured that Saturday needed fun....
Saturdays should be for fun.
Not sitting in the MC for extended amounts of time and working on assignments…
And then clicking out of my science project before saving it.
No big deal…
I’d only been working on it for an hour.
Being the college student that I am, there was only one thing to do….
Update my facebook status.
Thank heavens Meg was there to keep me sane.
Don’t fret.
She texted me and asked me if the man sitting behind me was cute….
My first thought was why?
It’s not like I was going to turn around and look at him even though he had [apparently] be starring at the back of my head.
When I finally built up the courage to turn around and see who this man one thing jumped out to me…
He was married.
Your ‘ring check’ skills failed you [yet] again.
Thank heavens I didn’t take her up on her bet to talk to him…
Seeing that I’m not that forward anyways…
I dodged a bullet.
The rest of the MC visit consisted of hot chocolate and baby bread.
We came home…
Traveled to the store…
And made a $5.38 purchase of chocolate chips, coconut and sweeten condensed milk.
Great news.
Broulims is almost finished with its remodel.
I don’t think I’ve been so excited for something [like this] in a long time.
I was assigned to bring cookie bars to the bridal shower….
Don’t fret.
While we were baking the cookie bars we sang along to Grease.
After a quick Subway date and running into a first semester friend, we were on our way to the shower.
One more month and our dear Kiah will be married off.
Good think she finally figured out how to pronounce her last name.
We played the typical [Mormon] bridal shower games….
[Including] Toilet paper wedding dresses.
Fortunately [or rather unfortunately] I got to be the bride…
And at the same time was reminded of my singleness.
It’s been a month.
[Just saying].
Me and my teams dress was thee coolest.
Super win.
Hopefully we get the other pictures soon.
It was a blast.
Thanks for putting it together Steph!
No need to fret.
No night is complete without some sort of wardrobe malfunction….
Let’s just say that I shouldn’t be allowed to zip up my own jacket….
My shirt got stuck and in the end….
Steph helped me get it unstuck.
The picture says it all….

On the way home Morgy asked if I would do her a favor.
I was a tad bit hesitant when she asked because I wasn’t sure what exactly the favor would be.
I was pleased when I found it would be re-living a first semester moment.
Hair dying.
Hand dying.
At this moment my hands are currently a nice shade of smurf blue.
[Another] blast from the past.
Blue is the color now….
Pink was the color a year ago.
Can’t you tell how much we’ve grown?

What a night.
Hopefully the color is gone before anyone becomes too worried about what I’m doing in my life.
No need to fret.
I live in Rexie…
Why on earth would anyone be worried about the things I do in Rexie?
Picture this.
Me and my girls [Emma.Morgan.Meg.] are all sitting together in the front room watching Up.
I want someone to love me like Carl love’s Ellie.
Another thought.
This is what roomies do.
We watch Disney movies with each other.
We have hard times together.
But in the end we love each other and love spending time together.
We’re a family.
And we stick together.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 252.

Do you know why I love working in the Housing and Student Living office?
It may or may not be because it’s a job…
It may or may not be because of the my work family…
It may or may not be because of the early morning meetings….
It may or may not be because I love answering the phones saying “Housing and Student Living Office, this is Quinci. How can I help you?”……
It may or may not be the food that sometimes sits on the back counter…
It may or may not be the interesting people that call or come in…
It may or may not be because I get to do coin….
It is because I get to do coin…
Often twice a week.
Do not even fret.
Today me and Mandy had quite the adventures in Coin.
It all started out when we had to empty the ENTIRE Biddulph coin machine and carry it up to work.
Oh bless.
Our [big &Strong] arms couldn’t handle it….
No worries….
We made it up to the accounting office and things were just grand.
We headed back out to do the other dorms and things were going great….
Until we got halfway done…
We were able to pull the quarters out of the washing machine and out of the dryers….
But when it came time to check the change machine we noticed something odd…
The key marker (things…) didn’t line up.
After we had tried and failed we did the only thing we could do…
We called Lynette.
She then directed campus security our way…
Once Mandy had made sure that he wasn’t interrogating her he called the Rexie Police.
We were standing in that complex for approximately 45 minutes.
We came to the conclusion that it was considered property damage…
And possible attempted theft.
It happens in Rexie.
Campus security assured us that if we were in California then it would’ve been considered attempted burglary.
No need to fret.
I was even discrete enough to get a picture….
Super Win.

It was super unfortunate that I had to miss math at 10:15…
What can I say?
I was unavoidable detained.
Next time I’ll make it…
Next time…
English was bearable…
Sitting in front of the aquarium for an hour in the Romney building…
Halfway bearable.
Me and this [not-so-strange tan] man from my class spoke of fish.
Quality conversation.
Then Derek came in and we looked at all the rocks and headed to the library to do science homework.
Not quite as entertaining as my earlier shift…
But almost.
I headed home from work only to talk to Bff Jill and then got ready for the outing of the night….

Japanese film festival.
I even made Meg and Emma stay the whole time…
Because they made us sit on the front row.
No worries.
It was for Meg’s class.
I loved it.
Quite possibly the most relaxing 2 hours of my life.
On the way home we passed a man’s Frisbee game…
We had to stop.
And [naturally] we froze.
No biggie…
We’re used to it in Rexie.
Sometimes people say things…
And you just have to put on your big kid pants, get over it and move on.
Oh the joys.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 251.

I thought it was just going to be another day in Rexie…
Sitting in math class doing a [5th grade] activity with M&M’s…
[But I wasn’t going to complain because I happen to love chocolate treats].
You see….
Once upon a time due to life’s recent events I just wanted to go home.
Really bad.
It was going to be like a super extended vacation from Rexie.
Don’t get me wrong..
I love being here Rexie more than anything….
But [I thought] I needed a break.
I just going to go home, find a job, and take up a new hobby…
Such as knitting or winter bird watching or working out.
[….the working out part was a joke.]
But then today it all came together.
During a meeting with Sherstin and Leticia about addendum stuff…
My future came up.
[Yes. Me. Little Quinci has a future….]
The fact that I was going home at the end of the semester only to come back in the springtime came up…
But then it came to pass that they had one last spot for a part time employee aka 20 hour work weeks.
It was mine…
Only if my mother said it was okay.
I laughed.
My mother has been using my bedroom as a sewing room…
She may or may not want me to come home so she can keep her room.
It all fell in place.
I talked to the financial people and everything is going to [or supposed to] transfer smoothly…
I’m going to get 20 hours a week…
I’m going to be able to take 12 credits to get a head in my classes…
I wasn’t fond of the idea of freezing and finally seeing a real Rexie wintertime…
I may or may not be a tad bit scared.
I now get to start all over again…
New apartment.
New roomies.
New everything.
It’s a fresh start.
Oh the joys of being old[er].
I realize that not much money will be saved….
But can you really put a price on my sanity?
Someone is watching out for me.
Someone has something planned for me.
Winter 2012….
Watch out.
Me and Travis are coming!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 250.

Just in case you’re wondering….
A piano isn’t considered a string instrument.
Just saying. verified that it is in fact a percussion instrument.
Don’t fret.
That may or may not have been a conversation over heard in the apartment tonight.
Obviously we’re not in college because we’re smart….
We’re in college to learn.
Speaking of learning…
Today was full of meetings.
And a little over 6 hours of work.
Oh the joys of work.
Me and Leticia had no time to spare in getting ready for our 1:00 meeting with a few owners that we spent lunch time in the back room.
Lunch dates are never over rated.
I got out of work at 5…
Meaning that I don’t get to work every shift for the rest of the week.
Did you know that the campus max for weekly work hours is 20?
I do.
Sometimes I wish that it was more.
I love my job.
I love talking to people on the phone…
Although I often choke over my words…
But only when I say “Housing and Student Living Office, this is Quinci, How can I help you?”
But I’ve become best friends with the stapler and the copy machine…
Me and the colored arrows still have work to do.
I came home to meg touching raw meat….
Once more….
Meg doesn’t like raw meat but was being fantastic and making stir fry for dinner tonight.
Super win.
It was fantastic.
Jace came over and we had a guest who also feasted with us.

You’re the best.
To the roomie who always buys be a Diet Coke whenever she goes to the store, deals with me talking to my mother at late hours and then listens to all my alarm ring tones after stating that she hates me for keeping her up, is 80 years old with me and goes to bed before the sun does, who laughs at my stupid jokes, and frequently makes comments about how life would be easier if we were born beautiful (…except she was)….
I love you J
And to the friend who took me to fill up his car, bought me a TruMoo chocolate milk, gave me the car sitting in his car, told me the truth about things, and talked to me about getting over my most recent relationship….
You’re fantastic.
Another thought.
8 days until I get to go home.
I cannot wait.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 249.

I’ve moved from nightmares to dreams about waking up late….
Oh wait.
That dream became a reality.
Thanks heavens it only takes me 40 minutes to get ready.
I’m pleased to say that I’ve gotten that time down from an hour and a half…
How you may ask?
I don’t let myself get distracted.
True story.
When I get ready I’m like a 14 year old boy in an obstacle course aka all over the place.
I hurried and got ready and the day was great.
The best part?
Going to dinner with the girls…
We went all out and headed to the Crossroads and got chicken quesadillas with jalapeño ranch….
In honor of Colten.
Today is Monday.
Do you know what that means?
Missionary e-mail day!
They make Mondays bearable…
Tonight for home evening we played bigger and better.
Ever played?
We started out with a penny…
We ended up with an iron and frozen squash.
We even stopped by and old friends door....
With the pumpkin we got from Somerset 101.
At one point we got an iron….
We wanted the totem pole….
But it was stuck to the ground…
It started with a penny…
Then to a quarter…
Then to a cookie…
Then to a biscuit…
Then to a page of potato pears…
Then to a near empty container of salsa…
Then to a paper plate…
Then to a piece of pizza…
Then to an iron…
Then another penny was added…
From there we got a pumpkin and a dime…
Then a piece of gum…
Then we got a picture with a star wars helmet…
Then we got some squash from Ted.

We obviously won.
Super win.
…..Now back to homework.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 248.

It’s always awkward when you’re sitting in a meeting after church and the girl next to you turns and says, “Hey! I saw you and your boyfriend the other night!”
And you reply, “Oh. We broke up.”
The look on her face was priceless.
At that moment I wished that I had had my camera or something…
Oh well.
It happens so frequently that I probably will be prepared next time.
The best part of having church in the MC is the fact that there is a vast amount of rooms with pianos living in them.
Due to the fact that it is almost Christmas time…
Emma was playing Christmas hymns and [naturally] me and Meg were singing to them as loud as we could.
I don’t think the people practicing the piano in the next room over appreciated our Christmas songs.
Oh well.
As me, Meg, and Emma walked home we remembered that Rexie is cold and windy.
Super windy.
Rexie would be so much more bearable if the wind took a vacation.
As we were approaching the stairs I said to myself….
“Self. Check the mail. There is a letter for you.”
Let’s think about this.
I don’t exactly win the prize for being a great missionary letter writer….
I did get a letter J
From my dear Elder Cody Elaine who is currently serving in Canada.
My heart was so pleased.
I’m going to be really good and write him back quick this time.
It just works better that way.
Oh the good times with Cody Elaine in the yearbook room with Elliot the scanner…
Ice cream [not] dates…
56 minute quit game(s)…
And yell fights.
The beauty of Sunday is the time that gets to be spent with the girls in the apartment.
They watch out for me.
They put up with me.
I owe them big time for that.
I love them big time for that.
For dinner me, Meg, and Emma had pasta and cheesy garlic bread…
And for dessert we made homemade Oreos [with an addition of chocolate chips] with [our leftover] marshmallow cream centers.

Do you know what the best part of the night was?
Either making ‘music videos’ in my webcam while the cookies were baking
Sitting on my bed talking to my girls.
Things are looking like they’ll be better.
I did things I don’t regret.
They were hard and painful but I don’t regret it.
I’m just glad that we’re all moving on…
Don’t fret.
Tomorrow is Monday.
A new week.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 247.

I was planning on waking up at 9 so I could get my room cleaned and head to the MC to do homework…
But I think we all know how that worked out.
I didn’t end up even thinking about getting out of bed until approximately 10:40.
I didn’t walk out the door to the MC until 12:21ish.
I’ve said it many times…
And it’s no secret.
I have the body of a 19 year old…
Yet I have the soul of an 80 year old woman.
Thursday night?
I went to bed at 10:30.
That’s beside the point….
When I opened the front door to head out I was greeted with a snow monster.
The picture doesn’t do justice.
Me and Emma began our trek to the MC and fortunately made it….
And were dry.

I was successful in getting my homework done.
Even the English assignment that isn’t due until Tuesday at noon.
I people watched.
I watched youtube.
I pondered life.
I bought the best crappy hot chocolate from the crossroads.
I talked to my mom for 136 minutes.
I ‘ran’ into people that I haven’t seen since high school….
Oddly enough….
I don’t actually remember them in high school
I could’ve spent all afternoon in the crossroads.
I enjoyed my time there.
Emma came to see me around 4:45 and we decided to beat the cold and walk to get some pizza.
Don’t fret.
It must of snowed a lot while I had locked myself inside the MC...
There may or may not have been approximately 6 inches on the ground when we walked outside.
We at our pizza….
All but pieces…

It’s only 8:30 and I’m ready for bed.
I think I’m prematurely aging.