Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 95.

I may or may not be listening to Taylor Swift while waiting for my pictures to load….
While pondering how messy my room is and how it got to its current state.
I guess that’s just what happens when it’s after midnight and my compy wants to go to bed too….
Oh come on little picture….
It’s fine.
I have nothing else to do...
….. besides sleep.
Great news.
They loaded.
Today was full of adventures.
Chloe picked me up around 10 and we drove to Salt Lake to go on a secret mission.
This wasn’t like any regular secret mission.
It was full of elite people and big white buildings and casting calls.
You’ll never guess.
The drive up there went well.
We even found parking quicker than we thought.
It was amazing.
You walked through the doors and are immediately greeted with “Hello Ladies.”
That was one of my favorite parts.
We window shopped for a little while.
Then walked up and down the halls to pass the next few minutes.
Let’s not forget the bathrooms.
I [again] was tempted to take a picture, but this is something that you need to experience for yourself.
Bigger that my Lamprecht dorm.
By far.
11 o’clock finally rolled around and we spend about a half hour on our secret mission.
Then we dined like the finest do.
French Macarons [yes. That’s how they spell it] and hot chocolate.
Let’s be honest.
The American Fork Harts had better hot chocolate and was approximately a lot cheaper.
Just a tip.
We were in awe with the whole thing.
I want to go back again.
Except for reals this time.
It was fantastic.
I hope our purposed was accomplished.
And there were also dream crushers.
During the adventure Chloe’s sister called and informed her that she had stolen one of her work shoes.
It’s believable seeing they own the same shoe with a ½ size difference.
So we had to take her her shoe.
During that stop I learned that I no longer have a name.
I’m now known as “that one girl” or “Jami/Chloe’s friend.”
That’s exactly what I thought.
Then she dropped me off and I took a nap until it was time to go see the family.
Caijsa just turned 8 and had her baptism today.
She is the sweetest thing.
And her brothers were so kind to give a talk, lead the song, and say the prayer.
I love that family.
Last Sunday when I saw her she told me all about how she wanted her dress to look and how excited she was and kept asking what I remembered about my baptism day.
It wasn’t raining, that’s for sure ;)
You know when you haven’t seen someone for a really long time…..
….but when you do see them there is a minute where it seems like things haven’t changed?
And then you have the sad realization that things have changed?
It’s weird.
I’m not a fan.
Other than that….
…. The baptism was wonderful.

Then in Whatcott fashion we went out to dinner tonight.
Each month we have fast Sunday.
Well the night before aka Saturday we [the whole family] goes out to dinner together.
I really like this idea.
Tonight the 2 smallest children decided that they would rather stay and play with cousins so the big people went out for dinner.
Panda Express?
IT was really good.
Chow mein, orange chicken, kung pow chicken.
I don’t know how to use chopsticks.
Many have tried to teach and have [epically] failed.

We came home and thus began chick flick Saturday night.
Me and Trisha.
He didn’t participate for both movies.
Just one.
Today was great.
5 more days until Idaho…..….. just in case you needed to update your countdown chain or something.

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