Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 112.

Today was the day.

We were up late last night until the crack of lateness making our coolish posters for the garage slash to hold when we saw our missionary.

We got to the airport at around 9….

The plane didn’t land until 10:12.

We may have had a slight worry that we would miss the missionary coming down the escalator.

We waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And played.

And stalked odd people.

And sat next to some interesting people.

And then it was 10:00.

The countdown was truly beginning.

After 750 days we were down to the final minutes.

Colten and Mason ran up the stairs to see if they could see the 3 or so missionaries getting off the plane.

I’m convinced that missionaries decide to sit in the plane until everyone gets off just to make the families wait a couple more minutes.


Finally we saw Colten and Mason’s face light up as they ran down the escalator.

And he was coming.

All the sudden he was there.

Standing in front of us.

I cried.

I think I’m turning into a sop.

Don’t tell anyone that.

I still can’t really believe he’s here.


It had gotten to the point where I figured he was only a figment of my imagination.

But apparently not….

He looked the same.

But also super different.

He had the fresh off his mission ……


Let’s be honest.

It was a tad bit awkward, but obviously its expected because when you don’t see someone for 2 years quite a lot is bound to change.

It got better quick.

It is thee most fantastic experience having a sibling coming home from a mission.

It’s a feeling you can’t describe.

I am so glad that he was able to serve a mission.

I’m so proud that he went out and served his hardest for 2 years and 20 days, despite the hard times.

I’m so proud of the man that he is now and the testimony that he has and loves to share.

And I cannot wait to see what he has coming up next in his life.

I’m so glad to have my best friend home and to be able to have him come up and play with me in college for a little while.

It’s going to be fantastic.

Welcome home Jace ;)

It was fantastic to have him and his friends over today.

It was like they never left.

The extra brothers……

[the other] Jace and Jesse.

In other news.

My mom bought me Josh Groban concert tickets for my birthday.

I cannot wait to go.

Josh Groban gives me the chills.

I think me and Josh are on ‘first name only’ terms about things.

We’re destined to be in love or something.

….Just saying.

1 comment:

  1. My aunt served in Argentina and came home when I was in 6th grade. She told us that all of the missionaries were huddled in the back of the plane not wanting to leave so you are dead on! :]
