There are many great things about having a 9 o’clock class tomorrow.
I don’t have to go to bed before the sun goes down but instead I’m not too stressed about it.
Last night I was under my strawberry shortcake sheets at promptly 11 o’clock.
And then I heard my roomie with her friends at 3:30.
They usually come and go a lot but I think they were on their way to work.
Dain cleans the Hart building.
4 in the morning.
Every morning.
Bless her heart.
Today was super great.
You can accomplish a lot in a college day.
You get more done….
At least I feel like I do.
Child Development was exciting even though it was at 7:45.
Ever heard of the beaver bump?
Aka big hair?
I love my “foofy” hair, but these girls took it to the next level.
I sat all through Child Development wondering how they go it to stay.
I think I need to ask…..
Then I had a strangish boy sit by me in Book of Mormon [part 2].
He was nice.
He is the only person whose name I remember so far.
Possibly because he told me like 10 times.
I then came home and took a nap.
Natural Disasters came around 1:45ish.
I’m the only freshman in that class.
Today I learned that if Yellowstone exploded then Rexburg would be covered in 45feet of ash and that [obviously] would not be good.
And apparently only Utah schools learn about Bonneville Lake because me and the other few Utah people knew what that was.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.
After Natural Disasters I knew that I needed to find some notebooks for tomorrow and crossed my fingers that the bookstore would have some.
Obviously with 14,000 students the 2 stores in Rexie are bound to run out.
Thank heavens the book store carries them.
After picking out the flowery ones for $3.29 I walked to the large line so that I could purchase them and be on my way.
As I was standing in line I noticed the guy in front of me.
He seemed nice.
He turned around to me and told me that he had been in the store like 3 times already that day and was buying a new eraser for his favorite pencil.
He even got it out to show me.
It was a little silver mechanical pencil with [obviously] no eraser anymore.
He showed me that when he turned the old eraser part of it moved and it magically showed numbers and stuff.
We decided that obviously it was a bomb or something.
I told him I was going to watch the news to see if anything really happened.
It turns out that he went to Pleasant Grove High School.
If you didn’t know I kinda, sorta, not really live by there.
It may or may not be American Fork High Schools rival.
No one actually knows who our rival is anymore.
Then we talked and he walked me home.
He asked where I lived and he told me where he lived.
I’ll probably never see this man again….
…. But it may be a good thing since I can’t remember his name.
I really tried.
But I heard like a thousand other names today.
Last time I checked the little person in my brain that it’s supposed to write down all the names that I hear went on vacation and won’t be back…
Thanks for walking me home man and showing me your cool pencil and telling me about the sensors that you’re building/fake selling in your class and a little about your mission in England.
I hope you had a good time at your apartment meeting slash watching your game.
When I told Michelle she found a song for me.
Walk Me Home. Mandy Moore.
Look it up.
Me and Michelle and Emma decided to go on a walk.
Cars looked at us because Michelle is short. Emma is hot. And I was wearing my big coat.
The good thing about Idaho is you can wear your biggest coat anytime of the year and get away with it.
Then I had to go work and help at the Lamprecht Hall dorm meeting.
On the way there I ran into my Transitions in Art and Culture teacher.
He called me by name and asked how I was doing and asked how I like having Colty up here.
That’s what I love about BYU-Idaho.
He knew who I was and when I was in his class.
Even just after the first day.
On this campus I still have an identity….
I love it here.
Then I went to my apartment meeting.
On the way home Emma told me she had a surprise for me.
I was soo pleased to see her [little] face on the fridge.
Pictures of her when she was a small child always make me laugh which makes me super happy.
Its more of an inside joke but it brings me joy.
Then I did my homework.
And laughed with Emma as we watched Glee.
And now am trying super hard to keep my eyes open.
Goodnight Moon.
[name that book……]
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