One word.
That was today’s ultimate goal.
Can’t you see…….
We’ve come to the end of the countdown chain.
Aka tomorrow is like Christmas.
Today was Elder Whatcott’s 749 day in the mission field.
Tomorrow he is home.
[hence the reasons for the trip home]
I am nervous, but I’m not quite sure why.
It may or may not have something to do with the fact that he has been gone for the past 2 years and there have been significant changes.
I’m all grown up now.
Not really.
I can’t really picture him coming home.
He’s really going to be back.
Today me and Michelle conquered the extremely large peanut butter filled Easter egg.
I may or may not have gotten it for half off at Wal-mart.
There is no need to worry that it is a whopping 900 calories.
We slash I don’t count calories in college.
Calorie counting is four squares.
Run fast……..
Michelle has a knife.
She also sends people awkward texts and stares at men on hot motorcycles.
From the inside out.
Today wasn’t exciting at all.
An unmarried man sat by me in Book of Mormon.
We decided that the reason the lights always go off in the hallway is because BYU-I likes to have frequent surprise parties.
What a nice school.
Who doesn’t like surprise parties.
[Insert wonderful hopes and thoughts and dreams about surprise parties here]
Don’t worry.
By the end of the surprise party conversation he told me he was engaged.
I not only attract married men….
But also engaged men.
Today was clean checks.
The clean check lady was nice…..
Unfortunately I think I love being the clean check Nazi in Lamprecht hall.
Watch out dorm livers.
Let’s be completely honest here.
The best part of the day was coming home.
The drive wasn’t even that bad.
Occasionally 4 hour drives really bother me but not so much this time.
I love coming home to Mason who actually wants to give me a hug….
Or he actually lets me give him a hug without a fight.
Not a very common thing.
Once in a lifetime if I may say so myself.
The evening proceeded with making signs and posters, doing homework, doing more homework, and getting excited about tomorrow.
Hahaha I sound way creepy. Awesome. :) Have so much fun at home! We miss you so much already!