Dear everyone.
There is no need to worry.
Rachel [finally] got here safely.
After riding with strange men and a mortician [and any other monsters that you want to add to the story to make it even more interesting].
It was 1:30 when I headed over to the temple to meet her.
It’s fine because we didn’t go to bed until like 3.
It was [almost] like being roomies again.
Those were some great times.
We even fought over the smell of her perfume.
Just like old times ;)
That’s besides the point.
Today was an adventure.
It was like the coat of many colors….
…. Except the day of many adventures and this is going to be the post of many pictures.
There were many firsts.
Our one and only goal for the day was to go to In-and-Out.
Her favorite.
There aren’t any in Oregon or Idaho so we couldn’t not go.
Did you know that the bathroom stalls at In-and-Out are HUGE?
I resisted taking a picture of it.
You can go check it out for yourself.
After my #2 and a Diet Coke and her #3 and a Diet Coke we decided there was another adventure that needed embarking.
I’ve lived in Utah most of my life [with the exception of 3 and a half months] and have never been to Utah Lake.
I figured that it was a must.
We first found our way to the boat harbor on the American Fork side of things…
But we decided it was time to go to another side when we pulled up to the spot we were going to park and Rachel said that the man in front of us looked like he was possibly using the bathroom.
The window was down.
We ran away.
To Saratoga Springs.
It was much much nicer there.
There are three things that I absolutely LOVE.
Being up so high that you can see the city lights.
Being able to see the stars so perfectly.
And water.
I love watching the water.
We sat there and wanted our picture taken but we figured it wouldn’t be a smart idea to bother any of the fishers around us or even the fish….
…so we took it ourselves.
Then we had to use the bathroom because we drank waaay to much Diet Coke.
No worries….
….the bathrooms were locked!
So we went to the nearest place.
It was wonderful because in that single bathroom trip we accomplished many things.
We checked our blood pressure and Rachel put gas in my car for the second time in her life.
Last time she got gas all over herself and hasn't done it since.
Did you know that in Oregon you can’t pump your own gas?
Mine was over by a single point.
We went birthday shopping for her at the dollar store.
We’re that good of [current and former] roomies.
We had a wonderful time.
The kissing book is for her.
I hope she likes it.
We also got her a funny birthday card.
Its BYU-I appropriate….
….. even though I wanted something better.
The dollar store is lame for cards.
Just saying.
Look at our treasures.
We found some pretty great stuff.
And all of it was $1.
Life of poor college students.
After we drove down to Provo to meet up with some of Rachel’s friends.
Annie. Kyle. Jonathan.
And we ate brownies.
I would just like everyone to know that I can parallel park.
*Rachel just asked me to pray about who she should drive home with after her many adventures on the wonderful roads from Idaho to Utah yesterday…. Slash last night. Apparently I had a wonderful look on my face.*
We drove home in the rain.
Then we went to look at the lights and the car next to us had foggy windows.
I wonder if their parents knew where they were.
*Rachel also just told me to keep plogging.*
And now we’re sitting here and she is trying to find a ride back to Idaho.
Oh the joys.
Don’t worry.
She chose Chad.
It was like a good episode of the Bachelor.
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