Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 290.

Once upon a time the night before I graduated from high school I was sure that the world was going to end…..
That was 2 years ago and it still hasn’t.
This year has been quite the year to say the least…
Exactly 1 year ago I decided to start this blog just for fun…
Just to keep track of my many adventures and to help me to count my many blessings.
At the beginning of this past year I would say I was something like this…..
[aka a small child]

But this past year I’ve learned so many things and grown in so many ways.
In the past year I can say I’ve:
Completed 2 [more] semesters at college.
Survived working at Nuskin [twice].
Eaten at Big Judd’s.
Hiked ‘R’ mountain.
Been bridge jumping.
Survived the ‘End of the World.’
Learned how to drive a 4-wheeler.
Let my YouTube taught roomie cut my hair in the bathtub.
Went to the doughnut shop on college avenue.
Ate one to many jalapenos.
Got questioned by the police due to a coin machine robbery.
Sang [way too] many songs into my webcam with Emma.
Become an employee in the Housing and Student Living Office.
Had a brother come home from a mission and sent another one off.
Watched my best friend get married.
Became a fish mom [again].
Created new friendships.
Became a master of freeway driving [thanks to Idaho].
Went tanning for the first time.
Had my first college birthday.
Ate a cactus.
Learned how to get peanut butter off the top of my mouth.
Shot a gun for the first time.
Fell in love.
Had my heart broken.
Purchased make-up.
Chopped off my hair.
Had hard times with roomies.
Won the wiki check prize.
Passed math.
Considered changing my major.
Been the bride of 2 toilet paper wedding dresses.
Partied in the Kimball building basement.
Participated in black Friday shopping for the first time.
Became addicted to scrabble.
Became part of the ‘breakfast club.’
Fell in love with Josh Groban during his concert.
Became the proud owner of a Wolverine bobble head.
Called Idaho home.
Was a bridesmaid…. Twice.
Rode the elevator in the Hinckley building.
Did the 50 chicken mcnugget challenge with Trisha and Ryan.
Re-found my love for reading….
And DI piles.
And let’s not forget [my bff] Travis.

Don’t fret.
I’ve aged quite nicely…
And me and Trav are ready for the new year.
I’m packing everything up and heading home to Rexie tomorrow.
This past year was nothing that I thought it would be.
I would’ve never imagined everything that happened.
Some things were great…
Some things were not so great…
But what doesn’t kills you makes you stronger…
What adventures will this year bring?
I’m ready for a fresh start.
I’m ready for new adventures.
I’m ready for a new year.

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