Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 85.

Be very proud to know that I made my bed just for you, Rachel Denton.
When you come and visit me this weekend I want you to remember that I only made my bed on Thursday nights when we had clean checks….
…. And I still feel bad about it.
Your bed was ALWAYS made.
….. [Like I said] Not so much.
Any way…
Today was good.
I basically had a heart attack at work.
It’s fine.
There are a select few that scared me so bad I still feel the need to kick them in the shins.
You know who you are.
You made me think I was on the black list.
Watch out.
I came home and finished cleaning my room.
Woo hoo.
And counted down the days until moving day.
15 days.
And shortened the paper countdown chain for Elder Whatcotts arrival home.
29 days.
But mostly I just watched my Betta sitting at the top of the bowl, not breathing and had to keep flicking the bowl just to make sure he was still alive.
I think Bettas like to sleep and not breathe….
…. All at the same time.
For some odd reason I think my mother wants my fishes to go to heaven before I go back to college….
… Something about having to take care of them?
What’s one more thing to add to her list of things to do?
Hopefully I can take the up to live with me.
Did you know that Betta fish love to flirt?
Wikipedia just told me.
After spending a significant amount of time watching the fish attempted to finish a “project.”
Except it was a tad bit difficult because the projectee couldn’t answer a simple question for me.
So I didn’t finish it…..
I guess I’ll have to find a way around that….
Tomorrow is Thursday.
Friday Eve.

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