Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 62.

This weekend was great.
It started off with me not having to work on Friday,
So I went to the temple with Trish and my Dad.
It was great.
I haven't been to my home temple in a long time.
I've missed it.
Bless the hearts of the high schoolers that get up and go.

Idaho was finally here.
Contrary to popular belief its the greatest thing.
People actually do live there.
I met up with my driver and other random people around noon.
We met at Maverik and me and my mother enjoyed the people watching time.
We're good at it.
Watch out.
The kid I sat by in the car, Bernie, reminded me of a friend.
It was really weird.
I couldn't stop looking at him...
...Which was probably really awkward.
It's fine.
I'm awkward.
But it was a good drive.
The driver must've really wanted to see his future spouse because we were there in under 3 and a half hours.
Pretty sure he was going 80 the whole way.
I'm not complaining....
...I wanted to get there asap.
Have you seen the "Do you know my killer" sign in SLC?
We landed in Rexie around 3:30 and I made the tiring trek up the stairs of Colonial to apartment 309.
Those 3rd floor girls must have really nice calves because thats not a fun walk every 5 seconds.
I got there [finally] and it was great.
I've missed my girls.
We chatted and other stuff.
Me and Rachel went and saw Morgy.
She had potatoes with things growing out of them....
They were like whole other people or something.
She was great.
Then me, Rachel, Kiah, and kiah's boyfriend, Ramon went to dinner.
Ramon does the best impersonation of Miranda who sings.
Check her out on youtube.
We were crying.
Rachel had never been to Wingers.
I LOVE hamburgers and fries.
But the best was desert.
$2 hot cookie with ice cream on it.
It may have taken 10 minutes.....
... so worth it.
Is your mouth watering?
Mine still is.

Oh look! Kiah and Ramon! Friday Night we just played and such then Saturday day me and Rachel walked around and looked for closed buildings. We're really good at that. OH! and we watched the Goonies. Then that night we went and listened to Ramon sing in his singing thing.... [he lost his voice. no worries.] ..It was a concert with BYU boys and BYU-I boys. It was amazing. Yep. I chose the right weekend to go up ;) After we went to Twizzleberry and got frozen yogurt. YUM.

Rachel put a variety of things on her frozen yogurt but all that mine consisted of [besides the single cherry, gummy worm and gummy bear] was chocolate.
Way to go Twizzleberry.
I'm officially a fan.

Kiah even tied a cherry stem in her mouth for the first time.
She won the speedy competition.
Her stem was even one of the smallest.
On the way home we were car stalked by a white suburban with an Idaho license plate and a Utah Jazz sticker on the back.
Rachel thought she was going to have a child.
When we got home we laughed at videos and watched Ciara dance moves.
"Be careful."

Sunday morning consisted of cold showers, 9:30 church at the Taylor, AND we even ran into the BYU boys...
Then we went home and watched the disney movie marathon, discussed random things.
Our dear friend, Geoff Brown [aka michael phelps] came over and we continued to watch disney movies.
He's supposed to get his mission call soon.
Good Luck Geoff!

Idaho was wonderful. I've missed it and cannot wait to go back next month ;)

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