After work I drove drove drove and picked up Whitney and we headed to Seren and Aly's little home in Wyview 1.
Once we got there we talked and laughed and remembered every single funny thing we've ever done.
There are many.
Also we talked about me being stuffed.....
...."Walk towards the light."
Michael came over and played with us for a while and helped me solve the problem of what gender my fish should be.
Male and female.
He is also nice enough to offer the eulogy at my ladybugs funeral.
I still have a 3 month old dead lady bug sitting in my room.
I think it deserves a proper cremation.
.....Soon enough.
Then Smackson came over.
I really like him.
I'd forgotten that a little bit.
I also forgot how much we have in common.
He is one that will always put a smile on your face.
I enjoy him.
We talked and lauged and talked and laughed.
I think he really liked being with 4 crazy girls.
We even made him food.
With the help of the Wyview convenience store.
He bought the drinks.
I made brown sugar soup.
Heat pork & beans, minestrone soup, and brown sugar.
Seren made us Lester's Samoan Sandwich.
Who would've guess Ramen on a sandwich would be good?
First you take Ramen and let it boil for 45 seconds.
Then you place it in a frying pan and pour a mixture of 2 eggs, oil, and the seasoning packet on top and flip over until all the liquidness is gone.
After you just place it between 2 pieces of bread with butter.
We were all quite amazed. Jacksons contribtion to the meal was V8...
.... But it tasted more like fruit punch.
It was a national dinner.
We had food from college students at BYU-P, BYU-I, and a Premie :)
Matthew and Jordan came over not long after.
I had also forgotten how much I liked them.
We laughed and laughed and laughed and talked.
We also confessed our young loves for one another.
The looks Matthew, Jordan, and Jackson gave each of us was pricelss.
You really had to be there.
Whitney and Matthew are halarious when they're too tired to function.
It was great to be with friends.
I [sometimes] miss high school.
They all were gone by 1:30 and we headed to be around 2.
I think 2 is the the usually college bedtime or something.
We woke up around 11 this morning, talked, and decided to head to the "Can-Can" for doughnuts, hamburgers, tater tots, fruit, slushies, and other things.... Don't even worry... You can wear sweats AND flip flops AND shorts there. I felt like a sinner walking in with my sweats on.
But really.... It's HUGE! I'm pretty sure that the population of humans of the Canon Center at the exact moment we were there was the same population of humans in Rexburg.
That's not a joke.
But Friday was great. Then I came home and found a cupcake waiting for me on my desk from my 2 little bakers :)
2 words for you C and J.
Cupcake Wars :)
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