Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 69.

It all started in the doctors office.
Me and my mother LOVE the doctor.
We headed over there today after work to try to understand my current issue.
Headaches, dizziness, walking on earthquakes.
Normal sorta things.
He told me to drink more water.
Something weird with my heart rate when I'm standing and sitting.
Blood volume?
....Did I mention that I went to my pediatrician?
Don't fret.
There were toys in the exam rooms.

After the adventure to the doctors office the real adventure began.
I got my fish.
You kill dreams.
You see.....
Me and the bestie were sooo excited to go get goldfish and bring joy back into my life.
It took quite some time before the fish lady came.
All I wanted was a fish person's opinion on which one I should get.
13 cent fish or 27 cent fish.
She then proceeded to ask me what fish tank I had, tell me I had the wrong kind of fish tank, and that my fish would only live for 3 hours to a week, then she had the nerve to suggest a betta fish after I specifically told her I wanted a goldfish.
D.R.E.A.M. C.R.U.S.H.E.R.
I'll just have her know they have been alive for more than 3 hours.
....But I'm still preparing myself for heart break.
It's fine.
I'm still glad I get to play with them for this short amount of time.

Drum Roll.....
I would like to introduce to the world my two new fish friends.
Stephen and Steven.
They do not have the same name.
The multi-colored one is Steven.
The orange one is Stephen.
I hope you enjoy then as much as I do.
Happy swimming little friends.
The night was finished off at a reception of the older brothers good friend.
Ever heard of the Millenial Falls reception center?
I was pleased.
It looked like a redone house, but was modern.
I liked the treats.....
Cheesecake bites, rocky road brownies, eclaires.

......But mostly I just liked the 2 swan ice sculptures.

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