It’s always awkward when you’re sitting in a meeting after church and the girl next to you turns and says, “Hey! I saw you and your boyfriend the other night!”
And you reply, “Oh. We broke up.”
The look on her face was priceless.
At that moment I wished that I had had my camera or something…
Oh well.
It happens so frequently that I probably will be prepared next time.
The best part of having church in the MC is the fact that there is a vast amount of rooms with pianos living in them.
Due to the fact that it is almost Christmas time…
Emma was playing Christmas hymns and [naturally] me and Meg were singing to them as loud as we could.
I don’t think the people practicing the piano in the next room over appreciated our Christmas songs.
Oh well.
As me, Meg, and Emma walked home we remembered that Rexie is cold and windy.
Super windy.
Rexie would be so much more bearable if the wind took a vacation.
As we were approaching the stairs I said to myself….
“Self. Check the mail. There is a letter for you.”
Let’s think about this.
I don’t exactly win the prize for being a great missionary letter writer….
I did get a letter J
From my dear Elder Cody Elaine who is currently serving in Canada.
My heart was so pleased.
And you reply, “Oh. We broke up.”
The look on her face was priceless.
At that moment I wished that I had had my camera or something…
Oh well.
It happens so frequently that I probably will be prepared next time.
The best part of having church in the MC is the fact that there is a vast amount of rooms with pianos living in them.
Due to the fact that it is almost Christmas time…
Emma was playing Christmas hymns and [naturally] me and Meg were singing to them as loud as we could.
I don’t think the people practicing the piano in the next room over appreciated our Christmas songs.
Oh well.
As me, Meg, and Emma walked home we remembered that Rexie is cold and windy.
Super windy.
Rexie would be so much more bearable if the wind took a vacation.
As we were approaching the stairs I said to myself….
“Self. Check the mail. There is a letter for you.”
Let’s think about this.
I don’t exactly win the prize for being a great missionary letter writer….
I did get a letter J
From my dear Elder Cody Elaine who is currently serving in Canada.
My heart was so pleased.
It just works better that way.
Oh the good times with Cody Elaine in the yearbook room with Elliot the scanner…
Ice cream [not] dates…
56 minute quit game(s)…
And yell fights.
The beauty of Sunday is the time that gets to be spent with the girls in the apartment.
They watch out for me.
They put up with me.
I owe them big time for that.
I love them big time for that.
For dinner me, Meg, and Emma had pasta and cheesy garlic bread…
And for dessert we made homemade Oreos [with an addition of chocolate chips] with [our leftover] marshmallow cream centers.
Either making ‘music videos’ in my webcam while the cookies were baking
Sitting on my bed talking to my girls.
Things are looking like they’ll be better.
I did things I don’t regret.
They were hard and painful but I don’t regret it.
I’m just glad that we’re all moving on…
Don’t fret.
Tomorrow is Monday.
A new week.
Tell Cody Elaine that I say "hi!" :)