Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 245.

This is me sitting in the MC doing homework….
Or attempting to.
[I feel it’s the thought and the attempt that counts].
I tried to go to a quiet place where I could sit and a table, get a good internet connect and not get distracted.
Quite place?
Good internet connection?
Not getting distracted?
It just so happens that there are quite the people up here in dear old Rexie.
I can’t let one person walk by without wondering to myself….
‘Am I that awkward?’
Human 1:
Human 2:
Human 3:
Weird hair color.
Human 4:
Human 5:
Singing to self.
Human 6:
Odd Mohawk.
Human(s) 7:
Awkward couple.
Super awkward.
Human 8:
….still waiting for someone to walk by.
Human 9:
Blue notebook and black pencil.
Human 10:
Employee in Admissions office.
In the end I face the facts and realize that I am that awkward.

It doesn’t help that I am entranced by Glee’s version of ‘somewhere only we know.’

Don’t fret.
Today was good.
Though I woke up late I was at work just in time for my meeting….
And just in time to realize that me and Leticia were matching.
We were even wearing the same exact pants.
We thought it was the greatest thing since we were in the meeting together.

We told Jon, Kriss, and Sherstin that it was simply us being professional.
The meeting went fantastic….
Thanks for asking.
Math was simply a reminder how much I hate the after Halloween phase….
All the professors have been bringing in their extra Halloween candy…
Kevin isn’t a fan.
I need to rediscover my self control.
I know it’s hiding somewhere….
Probably in my bag of carrots or at the gym.
I am so pleased to say that the ENTIRE breakfast club showed up in class today.
No worries.
They found the blog.
I was told that I don’t have any reasoning connections in my writing.
You know what….
Reasoning connections are for squares.
But I must say…
I think my paper about my most recent live events will be marvelous.
We’ll just have to wait and see.
Middle East was just as entertaining as always…
So was science.
Me and BFC had a discussion on whether or not humans are a Keystone species.
I even got the teacher distracted for approximately 8 minutes on the subject.
Once I [finally] got to work I was soo pleased.
Work is home away from home.
This morning our supervisor told me that she loved seeing me in the office more.
Super win.
It was even more pleasing to see my name on the back board telling me that I was one of two who follow directions and would be rewarded with a smoothie.
I do check the wiki every day.
Without fail.
Maybe you should too….

Now I’m pondering the thought of actually doing more homework.
Don’t want to.
8 hours of school/work a day is enough for me.
Great news.
I get to be the +1 at the baseball banquet tomorrow.
Not sister….
But +1.

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