Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 243.

Sometimes when I want to run away from life’s I take the easy way out.
I run to a [not so] secret place.
I run to the laundry room.
I haven’t done laundry for way to long.
I think the last time I actually did my laundry was approximately 2 and half [possibly more] weeks ago.
Laundry isn’t exactly something I love….
But [obviously] it’s necessary.
I know I need to do my laundry when one of two things happens.
1. I run out of undershirts…. I have approximately 6 black, 4 white and 5 grey.
2. I run out of white shirts… I have approximately 18 [possibly more….].
No comment.
But here I sit in the laundry room pondering the deep things of life and remembering that it all doesn’t really matter.
It’s been a tough couple of weeks…
Let’s not try and deny it.
It hasn’t exactly been full of chocolate chip cookies, ponies, ladybugs, rainbows or sun shine.
But sitting in the laundry room while my laundry is going instead of heading back upstairs makes life happy.
It’s a break.
It’s not being in the apartment.
It’s not having to talk to anyone.
It’s saying that I’m going to do my homework and then not.
It’s reminding me that good things are happening everyday.
It’s drinking my hot chocolate in silence and blogging.
The girl who I see often on campus who has a physical disability came in and asked me how my day was and how school was going.
As I watched her pull her laundry out of the basket and put it in the washer with one arm and listened to her tell me how excited she was to see a Rexie winter I thought to myself….
I want to be your best friend….
You’re a fantastic human.
I’ve been stressing about how to deal with the current situation that I’m in.
One day I will learn to stay away from things such as this.
One day….
Sometimes you have to do things because you know it is the right thing to do….
Even if your roomies are going to hate you for it.
Even if you know you’re jeopardizing them.
But sometimes you need to do things to protect yourself and everything you’ve worked for.
It seems like the tables have turned and I’m the one heading to the chopping block.
But I know that I didn’t do anything wrong.
Let’s be honest….
I’m not perfect.
Perfect people do their laundry every week.
I do not.
But I’m trying my best and that’s all I can do.
I haven’t done anything that I’m ashamed of…
And I’m glad that I could talk to a friend about it in the library today.
I’m glad that he could reassure me that everything is going to be okay….
Even though I didn’t picture this being our first conversation after the break up.
I’m glad that I remembered how great of a friend he was/is and realize that maybe it really was for the best.
But even more importantly…..
I’m grateful that I can call and text my mom whenever I want [aka like 12 times a day] to talk to someone and that she offers to drop everything and drive up here and take me to Café Rio….
I’m grateful that I have a fantastic roomie who will drive me to get quarters and hot chocolate and be there for me even when I talk in my sleep and wake up looking like a monster and jokes about living on Exile Island…
I’m grateful that I know that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me, who is always there for me, who helps me feel peace in this mess, and who knows that I’m trying my best.
And I’m grateful that I now have clean laundry…..

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