Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 46.

Just take a guess at what my adventure was today.
Keep guessing.
You're gonna be jealous.
I can already feel it.

Today will go down in the history books as the adventure of February 16, 2011.

It all began around 6:15 when Chloe picked me up...
...the wind was blowing at speeds fast enough to push her little baby car into the next lane over, the snow was coming from the sky just as hard and as fast as...
use your imagination.
But the weather was crazy.
We were driving up to the Hale Center Theater in West Valley to view opening night of Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities.
My heart was crying at the fact that we were there....
.... but in the end my eyes were crying because it was so spectacular!
Everything about it was unreal.
The stage. The set. The sounds.
Thats all I have to say for the show.
You really won't understand unless you see it yourself.
Which I highly recommend.
Seeing that I loved it so much I have already purchased the book.
It was that good.

The drive home was whole other adventure.
As we entered the freeway in Lehi we noticed that it was unusually dark.
All the [stupid] stoplights were out.
Alpine Highway was blocked off aka closed.
All the street lights were out.
It seemed like a ghost town.
We some how ended up in Traverse Mountain but then made it back to the freeway safely after following a white mini van.
Chloe said it was only because a mom was probably driving the mini van and they [moms] always know what they are doing.

Which brings up the question: What happens when the straight and narrow is blocked off or closed? Do you take the detour or do you go the long way around.
We figured that it would be a great General Conference talk, someday.

Fortunatly we made it home safely :)
Thanks for a super amazing night Chloe!
I hope Titanic: The Musical brings us just as much joy!

A few last thoughts:
Jackson Healey. Congrats on your call to Kobe, Japan! My brain still doesn't believe this! You are going to be a fantastic missionary! I am so excited to hear what this adventure has in store for you! Good Luck Smacks!
Work. I get the day off tomorrow aka I get to sleep in :) WOO HOO!

1 comment:

  1. I feel the need to comment so it doesn't say "0 people love me." :) I'm going to see Hairspray at the Orem Hale tomorrow and I am SO FREAKING excited. The Hale's are awesome.
