Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 51.

Happy GeorgeWashingtonAbrahamLincoln Day!

This [above] scared me.
I thought I was going home to something I knew....
...But little did I know that everything in the yearbook room had changed.
I was working on double monitors.
The picture placer that I was used to was broken so instead I used file place.
I had even forgot how to whitens people's teeth.
...I always feel bad fixing people's faces....
...But we're just helping them out, right?
There is complete truth to the statement old editors never die.
I'll always come back.

I may have a slight case of the Bieber Fever.
I went on a wonderful "date" with the brother and the cousins.
[Look down]
Aren't they cute?
Kade [brother], Joseph [cousin], Caijsa [cousin].
Before the movie I texted my mom amd we made fun of the number of swooning teenage girls and awkward amount of teenage boys.
There was 7.
But by the end of the movie I might confess I was one of those swooning girls.
I'm a sucker for the hair flip.
Yes.... I realize that he is approximatly 16.
Why not, right?
The whole way home Joseph was yelling NEVER SAY NEVER!
and danced throughout the movie.
Gotta love 4 year olds :)
Watching this movie took me back down memory lane....
Sophomore year....
Jonas Brothers Concert.....
Universal City?
Do you remember?
Enough said.

Did you know that Kosher pickles aren't blessed by anyone but infact relate to Jewish dietary laws.
I knew you were wondering.

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