Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 43.

Meet Mason.
Today I decided that I would draw him without looking at the paper.
He was chewing....
....can't you tell?
Just call me Asher Lev.
Oh the joys.

Happy [early] Valentines Day!
These so happen to be the product of 2 days of hard work of my mother and myself.
I was.
I have a confession....
I am no pro a frosing sugar cookies so the one that I frosted looked like it had been frosted by feet.....
Thank heavens that my mother is a pro and none of them looked like feet had touched them :)

They joy of today was sitting in Primary with my 4 year olds and listening to sharing time when one of the sunbeams got up and said she was greatful for her dog.....
.... she doesn't have a dog.
Me and her mother got a good laugh out of that :)

oh. Rachel.
I know you're reading this.
Where is your blog?


  1. I love sugar cookies and those look delicious!

  2. DEAR Quinci:
    So pretty much. 3 things

    1. I love YOU
    2. I love your BLOG
    3. YOU should really just... stay hott(:

