The best part about it being your birthday is that you can do [basically] whatever you want.
Cuz it’s your birthday.
Do you know what I did since it was my birthday?
Lots of things.
I even started blogging in random places…
Like the Romney Building…..
Idaho could’ve at least given me a sunny day on my birthday.
I figured that June 24 was a good day to expect a nice, sunny, warm day.
Apparently not in Idaho.
As of right now [9:29 am] it is pouring rain, hailing off and on, lighting is covering parts of the sky, the power just went out, and the thunder is so loud slash so close…. Someone may or may not mistake it for my stomach.
The joys of 19 haven’t hit yet.
But I guess I’m still technically 18……
One hour and thirty minutes.
I’m planning on suddenly looking grown up…
I’d imagine I’d be something like Julie Andrews.
She’s classy and sings with the hills on occasion.
….2 hours or something later.
Officially 19.
And I'm truely looking like Julie Andrews at this point.
Got a pretty awesome grade on a test I thought I wasn’t going to do so hot on.
The lady that handed me my test even told me happy birthday.
I think everyday should be my birthday.
At the current moment I’m sitting in the Romney waiting to meet with my group.
You may be asking yourself what I am doing at this exact moment…
I’m sitting on the green couch watching the man on the next couch awkwardly sleep.
He keeps dozing off…
His head keeps bobbing up and down…
But he still has his computer in his lap and his mouse in his hand.
I’m also starring at the attractive man in the red shirt approximately 25 feet away.
I think I should go tell him it’s my birthday and I want him to be my best friend.
It’s really too bad that often times forward girls are looked down upon.
Class was boring.
But after....
Cuz it’s your birthday.
Do you know what I did since it was my birthday?
Lots of things.
I even started blogging in random places…
Like the Romney Building…..
Idaho could’ve at least given me a sunny day on my birthday.
I figured that June 24 was a good day to expect a nice, sunny, warm day.
Apparently not in Idaho.
As of right now [9:29 am] it is pouring rain, hailing off and on, lighting is covering parts of the sky, the power just went out, and the thunder is so loud slash so close…. Someone may or may not mistake it for my stomach.
The joys of 19 haven’t hit yet.
But I guess I’m still technically 18……
One hour and thirty minutes.
I’m planning on suddenly looking grown up…
I’d imagine I’d be something like Julie Andrews.
She’s classy and sings with the hills on occasion.
….2 hours or something later.
Officially 19.
And I'm truely looking like Julie Andrews at this point.
Got a pretty awesome grade on a test I thought I wasn’t going to do so hot on.
The lady that handed me my test even told me happy birthday.
I think everyday should be my birthday.
At the current moment I’m sitting in the Romney waiting to meet with my group.
You may be asking yourself what I am doing at this exact moment…
I’m sitting on the green couch watching the man on the next couch awkwardly sleep.
He keeps dozing off…
His head keeps bobbing up and down…
But he still has his computer in his lap and his mouse in his hand.
I’m also starring at the attractive man in the red shirt approximately 25 feet away.
I think I should go tell him it’s my birthday and I want him to be my best friend.
It’s really too bad that often times forward girls are looked down upon.
Class was boring.
But after....
I ran into the real Travis…
The one that my fish may or may not be named after.
It was only a tad bit awkward because I wasn’t sure if he
It’s fine…
Then I [cautiously] checked the mail..
Birthday package?
The best thing about having a birthday in college is the simple things.
I got the things that I wanted but wouldn’t buy.
Because they cost money….
Chocolate dipped chewy granola bars for example.
I look at them every time I got to the store and force myself to walk away.
New journal?
I had to buy a baby wimpy one but now I have real one.
Mothers really are often times inspired in what to buy their children.
Remember the best gift?
I still get the chills hearing him sing…..
August 13 is the day that I will be falling in love with him.
Mark your calendars.
I just had to get out of the house.
Oh heck.
Those kids were so cute.
They played on the play toy and then went it got too hot we headed to the splash pad.
Me and the Rock ran through the water shooting up through the ground and Andy just liked the puddles.
So. Cute.
When I got home the roomies were preparing to head out for the ward campout.
I sent them off and I headed to Colten’s for his baseball game.
We sat.
We watched.
We talked.
Jake showed up after his test and looked like he had been crying.
His allergies had been acting up….
Or so he said.
I told him to tell people his cat died.
We made our way to Wal-Mart and raided the allergy medicine isle.
We then decided that we needed food…
After all…
It is my birthday.
We went on a while goose chase with Colten.
Let’s not talk about it.
In the end, me and Jake went to Gringos [a Mexican restaurant] and ordered hamburgers just because we could.
We just talked and ate and partied.
It’s fine that we got there at 9:52 and they close at 10.
Nice people to let us crash their cleaning up and closing party.
We finished up and headed back to his apartment where we finished his Book of Mormon homework and talked to the roomies.
When the clock struck 12:45 we headed back to my little house.
Guess who was there?
Tyler and Jennie, of course!
We walked through the doors and the floor was filled with toys of all kinds.
Parachute men, all sorts of balloons, the balloon bubbles, confetti guns, sharks growing in water….
The list goes on.
Let’s just say they spent $20 very well at the dollar store.
We played and it was fantastic.
It wasn’t too soon before they talked me into watching a scary movie with them.
Me, Tyler, and Jennie all squished on the couch and covered ourselves in blankets and began this adventure.
…. I fell asleep.
I’m not quite sure when…
But I don’t even remember walking into my room and getting in bed.
And that’s how a college birthday goes.
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