Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 154.

Mondays sometimes make me want to run away.
Maybe it’s the fact that it’s Monday…
Or maybe it’s the fact that I had a 7:45 class today.
No need to worry….
I didn’t sleep.
But when I did decide to comment it sounded like I barfed out a bunch of random letters hoping they would sound good together.
They obviously didn’t because my teacher gave me the weirdest look.
Then I explained that it was Monday at 7:45 and my brain wasn’t awake yet.
Good thing everyone else was doing the same exact thing.
I am proud to say that I did not trip up the top step in the Clarke today.
Usually it’s an everyday occurrence.
When classes were over I decide that I needed to hit the books…
The I got distracted.
Imagine that.
Me, Michelle, Sarah, and Tyler went to get snow cones in honor of the fact that it was nice outside and that it was BFF Jill’s Birthday.
Too bad mine looked and tasted like puke.
See ya…
Me, Michelle, Jace and Colten headed to the store to load up on frosted flakes….
3 for $5.
How could I pass up an offer like that?
I also was healthy and got carrots and milk.
Best part?
Helping Colten shop.
Bless his heart.
I thought we had a successful shopping trip with him.
By the time we got to the checkout stand he had [in his cart]: 2 cartons of ice cream, pepperoni, apples, hot dogs, hot dog buns,spaghetti sauce, 2 bags tortilla chips, granola bars, and no one can actually remember what else was in there….
It was a success.
Michelle even bought a cactus leaf slash arm to eat.
99 cents.
What more could we want?
We were super excited to embark on this adventure of eating a cactus arm.
It tasted like green, slimy grass.
Never again.
Do you know what today is?
June 20 aka my BFF Jill’s birthday.
Once upon a time we were little and in high school and this picture makes me smile everytime.
Possibly because we’re babies.
Pretty sure when I met Aly in 4th grade it didn’t work out so well.
We were friends for a while…
Until that fateful day when she beat me in student council elections for 4th grade girl rep.
I was bitter and didn’t talk to her for….
The one day we were put into the same ward.
Imagine that.
From then we were just besties.
Just call us the queens of adventures:
daily hot chocolate runs, listening to adventure songs, eating Wendy’s in the church parking lot, pine cone pals, dancing in the rain, watching chick flicks, running lines for the upcoming show, painting small figurines on my birthday while contemplating ways
to get out of what was to come,staying up and telling stories, watching you be
the lead in a show and being so proud that you’re my bestie, rain boots, little
notes, running away with me, Hale theater plays, $20 preference dresses, EFY,
hiding in her car in the parking lot, driving hot cars, watching awkward
couples at the make out park, Café Rio, running to her truck in the driving range
during the cold winter times, boy drama, plotting sneaking out-ness, swings,
singing Phantom of the Opera so loud, nubs, weeklong slumber parties, flying SpongeBob
kites, tennis lessons, doughnuts, balloons, matching swimming suits, cookie runs, teaching you to drive stick shift in front of someone’s
house, arm tickles, picking split ends, late
night phone calls, weekly Sunday walks/drives at the temple, photo shoots,
painting doors in the summer time, popsicles, daily texts with new found songs,
high school dances, happy sumo, poster board cards saying “Oh Henry!” being
made in the middle of the Maceys parking lot, missing curfew, running away
during church, imagining the future……..
Thanks for always being the best friend I know I can always count
on. Thanks for letting me tell you all my weird stories and listening to my weird ideas and humoring me in everything I do. You came into my life when I needed you the most and you pulled me out of my rut. You have blessed my life in more ways than you will ever know. I’ve missed not having you with me here up at college. I hope you’ve had a fantastic birthday.
I love you.

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