Let’s have an honesty moment.
I’m waiting for the day when blogger tells me that I have too many pictures.
What can I say…
My roomies humor me and remind me to take a picture of almost everything now.
Let’s start story time.
I finished my marriage prep book.
The 5 love languages.
I enjoyed it….
But am still a little concerned that I don’t think I can pin point my love language.
Oh well.
I think I did good on the test and that’s all that really matters [for now], right?
Wanna know thee best thing that occurred a week ago, which I just received?
A package from China.
From Kiah.
I have been waiting my whole life her to send me a post card….
But she sent me better stuff too.
A letter, candies, and even Criminal Minds seasons 1-5.
I was so excited.
I can’t wait for all my fall/winter friends to be up here next semester.
They’re great.
The real stories.Last night was jam packed full of adventures.
Soccer game. Baseball game. Choir fest.
Event Dress was required at the Choir thing and I hadn’t shaved my legs in way too many days.
I think a fluff ball cat had less hair on his/her body than I had on my legs.
…..that was probably too much information.
So me and Michelle decided to solve the problem.
We put on our swimming bottoms and jumped in the tub.
Don’t judge.
We aren’t weird.
We were just sparing mankind from having to worry about that……
Don’t fret.
We thought we had front row seats…..
And then our ‘friends’ came and sat right in front of us.
See #3?
That’s Emma.
Sarah was at the other end of the field.
The baseball game was good.
Colten played right field.We were [obviously] his #1 fans.
After about 45 minutes at the game we headed to the Snow for the concert.
I usually try to avoid taking pictures of bathrooms because I think it’s something people need to experience for themselves…
But I couldn’t resist.
Neither could Michelle.
The stalls are lime green.
They will make your day brighter.
But Emma wanted to sit row 2.
The show was really good….
But at times it was difficult to enjoy because we were too preoccupied by porcelain.
I think this boy was born human and raised doll.Blue glazed eyes and red rosy cheeks?
We couldn’t resist.
Apparently the friend in the choir didn’t know we were there until he heard Emma laughing from up on stage during one of the songs…..
After we craved pizza and cookie bars.
Little Ceasers with crazy crust is thee best.Maybe it was just good due to the fact that it was an adventure….
No comment.
Today was also exciting.
Colten had a game at 10.Go Thunder.
At around 11ish, Jace drove me to the Kirkham building where I met some kids from my TinA&C class where we had a photo shoot for a class project.
I was pleasantly surprised….
It was a lot of fun.
We were there for about an hour and a half holding awkward shapes and looking around the room at the different sculptures.
In the next like I am soo going to be able to sculpt things.
As of this current moment I have the urge to sculpt a ceramic duck.
Don’t ask.
After I checked the mail, talked to the sister missionaries, and brushed my teeth I met up with Colten and Jace and we headed to Idaho Falls for a shopping trip.
When I saw the mini life jacket and kayaks on the back wall….
I couldn’t resist.
It’s officially on my college bucket list.
Jace bought a golf club.
I tried on all the sunglasses.
My brothers have a strange love for Chinese buffets.
We found one.
In ghetto ville Idaho falls.
Super China Buffet.
Have you seen ‘A Christmas Story?’
The title isn’t actually a question….
Just the sentence.
I’m so tired that my mind doesn’t actually know how to phrase that at the moment.
The Chinese buffet was something like the one in the Christmas Story.
Not gonna lie….
I am in love with their peppered chicken.
But their shrimp kinda freaked me out.
It still had legs.
Even the baby ones……
I couldn’t eat a baby shrimp.
Pretty sure that’s like eating a puppy or something….
Ross and TJ Maxx.
Colten really enjoyed being a Maxinista….
Seen the commercial?
We really enjoyed the chairs and the dinosaur toy that sounded like a cat.
I would call it a successful shopping trip.
Chinese buffet and comfy chairs.
I finally got my picture taken with this.
I just don’t understand why it has to be men’s housing….
Once we got to the park we played monkey in the middle with a soccer ball…
It may have been called Quinci in the middle.
That game isn’t exactly my forte.
After a while me and Sarah long boarded around the park.
I ended up talking to a friend for quite some time.
My eyes may or may not have gotten a tad bit puffy but it was a good chat.
The brothers came over and we sat in my apartment seeing that it was like 11 or so.
The girls all got home soon after.
Despite the hard times that occur when being with girls 24/7…
I still love mine more than anything.
I hope they don’t forget that.
:) And we love you too