Sometimes I get up early on Sundays to clean my room….
And then I get distracted.
It’s a slight problem.
Today was full of many mini adventures.
Getting ready was one of them.
Church was great.
We learned about Eternal Families in Relief Society.
We learned about in a parable in Sunday School.
And in Sacrament meeting we had a new member confirmation.
It was an awesome experience.
Church was over and we made cookie bars in preparation for the ward sister missionaries to come over and teach us about the restoration of the gospel.
That was also an awesome experience.
No need to fret.
Our meeting with them didn’t go without interruption.
Sterling walked in…
And said….
Not so blog appropriate words.
Trust me.
It’s BYU-I appropriate.
We were laughing so hard.
If only we had recorded the look on the girls faces…..
They finished, we ate cookie bars, they left, and Sterling came back over.
The next few moments consisted of calling our new 6 year old friend Brigham just to hear him say “Sterwing.”
Then we called Mason.
Mason and Brigham should be best friends.
The night went on….
Then Sarah decided she needed to do me and Emma’s make up.
Oooooh boy.
And then I get distracted.
It’s a slight problem.
Today was full of many mini adventures.
Getting ready was one of them.
Church was great.
We learned about Eternal Families in Relief Society.
We learned about in a parable in Sunday School.
And in Sacrament meeting we had a new member confirmation.
It was an awesome experience.
Church was over and we made cookie bars in preparation for the ward sister missionaries to come over and teach us about the restoration of the gospel.
That was also an awesome experience.
No need to fret.
Our meeting with them didn’t go without interruption.
Sterling walked in…
And said….
Not so blog appropriate words.
Trust me.
It’s BYU-I appropriate.
We were laughing so hard.
If only we had recorded the look on the girls faces…..
They finished, we ate cookie bars, they left, and Sterling came back over.
The next few moments consisted of calling our new 6 year old friend Brigham just to hear him say “Sterwing.”
Then we called Mason.
Mason and Brigham should be best friends.
The night went on….
Then Sarah decided she needed to do me and Emma’s make up.
Oooooh boy.
My face felt like it was playing dress up.
Let us remind ourselves that I don’t wear makeup…
And this was some sketchy looking black stuff she was putting on my eye lids.
I was officially EMO.
Saturday night I had painted my nails black because I am a behaviorist and am influenced [often times] largely by my roomies.
Best picture of the night?
I think I’d fit right in with KISS….
You know…
The band?
To complete my outfit I put on a black shirt, back skinnies, and obviously, Sarah’s black heels.
Michelle took the pictures.
Sarah and Jake just laughed.
Sterling was our modeling coach.
[Odd. I know.]
….. and it still wouldn’t come off.
Baby shampoo?
Who would’ve guessed?
It was Fathers Day.
At the genius idea of my dad we drew pictures of our dads.
My dad is fantastic.
Though he is 300+ miles away I love him more than anything.
He is always there for me. I was thinking about some of my favorite memories of
him and the list went on forever.
him and the list went on forever.
I loved whenever my mom was at work on Saturdays and for lunch he would make us sandwiches, cut them into fourths [the triangle way] and stack them up really tall on a plate.
I loved when I couldn’t drive [yet] and he would come and
pick me up from work and we would talk all the way home.
I loved when we drove down to Fillmore to visit my grandma
in the hospital after she had a stroke and he let me drive the Honda on the
free way….. I didn’t even have my permit yet.
I loved when we drove to and from my grandmas viewing and wefree way….. I didn’t even have my permit yet.
talked all the way there.
I love the hugs he gives me when I come home from college.I love the fact that he is worthy to hold the priesthood and
is able to give me blessings at the beginning of the school year or whenever I
might need them.
I loved when I would have a bad dream, I knew that if I wentmight need them.
to mom’s side of the bed she would tell me to make me a bed on the floor, but
my dad would scoot over and let me get in with him.
I loved when he would take us down to Fillmore on the weekendsmy dad would scoot over and let me get in with him.
when he had to go down for the guard and we would buy chocolate licorice.
I loved when my dad brought me home Harold from Chicago when
he went there on business.
I loved when my mom was in the hospital having small
children and he would attempt to put my hair in a pony tail… and it didn’t
I loved how my dad would coach me in Jr. Jazz and softballwork.
even though sports weren’t my forte.
I love having a dad that all my friends love and want to
come over to see.
I love having a dad that will sit on the front porch and talk
to me.
I love when my dad sends me a text saying “Roll Tide.”I love when my dad tells stories from his childhood and his
I love how I have my dad’s mark of excellence on my ear.I love my dad more than anything.
Happy Fathers day.
I love you.
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