Friday is always thee most looked forward to day in the week.
Especially today.
I only had one class…
But it just so happened to be the one at 7:45.
I got up the usual time, got ready for class, and Sara Bareilles serenaded me as I walked to the Clarke.
I always wonder why I get up and go to class when its only an hour and then I remember why.
Education isn’t free anymore.
Class was over soon enough and as far as I remember I was able to stay awake the whole time.
After class I walked into a strange building which I don’t frequent so much, walked to the quiet corner on the second floor, plugged my computer in, and started my homework.
I was there for a couple of hours and got enough done.
The adventure for [early in] the day was building cakes.
A friend of the brother was turning 19 and so he figured a cake was a necessity.
But first we drove to IF to get him some hair stuff.
We love driving adventures.
We got home and began our cake building.
He wanted a fish.
I poured.
He mixed.
I baked.
He frosted and decorated.
Especially today.
I only had one class…
But it just so happened to be the one at 7:45.
I got up the usual time, got ready for class, and Sara Bareilles serenaded me as I walked to the Clarke.
I always wonder why I get up and go to class when its only an hour and then I remember why.
Education isn’t free anymore.
Class was over soon enough and as far as I remember I was able to stay awake the whole time.
After class I walked into a strange building which I don’t frequent so much, walked to the quiet corner on the second floor, plugged my computer in, and started my homework.
It’s official.
The library is a magical place.I was there for a couple of hours and got enough done.
The adventure for [early in] the day was building cakes.
A friend of the brother was turning 19 and so he figured a cake was a necessity.
But first we drove to IF to get him some hair stuff.
We love driving adventures.
We got home and began our cake building.
He wanted a fish.
I poured.
He mixed.
I baked.
He frosted and decorated.
You should be.
We chatted it up like we still lived together.
It was great fun.
While I was talking to her I remembered I needed to go get my ticket for Spring 2011 Guitars Unplugged.
After I picked it up from the machine I decided to stay outside since it was so nice…
It was decided that I was just going to sit at the stadium.
Don’t fret.
Guess who was there?
Mr.TA man.
I’m not stalking him.
I promise.
Once I saw him, I remembered that he had announced that he had a game Friday at 7.
I watched for a while then decided not to make things awkward and left.
I realize that he did come sit next to me in class and we talked…..
Baby steps…
I headed home and the roomies were ready to go roller skating.
Don’t fret [again]
There was no one there to give us skates or anything.
Ugh [again].
We moved to the next alternative.
Pizza [with crazy crust] and baseball games.
We drove drove drove and got off at some exit I didn’t know even existed.
We drove some more until we turned onto a little dirt road in between a house and a telephone pole.
We drove on a sketchy road.
We walked down a sketchy dirt road next to a canal.
We were picked up by a man in a big white truck.
We drove through a barley field.
We ended up at a fire right next the Snake River.
We were there for a short amount of time until things got sketchy.
McDonalds to the rescue.
Chocolate dipped cones.
So much better than Arctic Circle.
We saw pre-pubescent teens walking through a dark parking lot.
That was odd.
We drove home.
Thank heavens Jake was driving because the 3 girls fell asleep.
Exciting part of the night?
Being in Jakes car when it hit 10,000 miles.
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