Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 158.

The best part about it being your birthday is that you can do [basically] whatever you want.
Cuz it’s your birthday.
Do you know what I did since it was my birthday?
Lots of things.
I even started blogging in random places…
Like the Romney Building…..
Idaho could’ve at least given me a sunny day on my birthday.
I figured that June 24 was a good day to expect a nice, sunny, warm day.
Apparently not in Idaho.
As of right now [9:29 am] it is pouring rain, hailing off and on, lighting is covering parts of the sky, the power just went out, and the thunder is so loud slash so close…. Someone may or may not mistake it for my stomach.
The joys of 19 haven’t hit yet.
But I guess I’m still technically 18……
One hour and thirty minutes.
I’m planning on suddenly looking grown up…
I’d imagine I’d be something like Julie Andrews.
She’s classy and sings with the hills on occasion.
….2 hours or something later.
Officially 19.
And I'm truely looking like Julie Andrews at this point.
Got a pretty awesome grade on a test I thought I wasn’t going to do so hot on.
The lady that handed me my test even told me happy birthday.
I think everyday should be my birthday.
At the current moment I’m sitting in the Romney waiting to meet with my group.
You may be asking yourself what I am doing at this exact moment…
I’m sitting on the green couch watching the man on the next couch awkwardly sleep.
He keeps dozing off…
His head keeps bobbing up and down…
But he still has his computer in his lap and his mouse in his hand.
I’m also starring at the attractive man in the red shirt approximately 25 feet away.
I think I should go tell him it’s my birthday and I want him to be my best friend.
It’s really too bad that often times forward girls are looked down upon.
Class was boring.
But after....
I ran into the real Travis…
The one that my fish may or may not be named after.
It was only a tad bit awkward because I wasn’t sure if he
It’s fine…
Then I [cautiously] checked the mail..

Birthday package?
My roomies told me I wasn’t allowed to have my mouth open in this picture…
The best thing about having a birthday in college is the simple things.
I got the things that I wanted but wouldn’t buy.
Because they cost money….
Chocolate dipped chewy granola bars for example.
I look at them every time I got to the store and force myself to walk away.
New journal?
I had to buy a baby wimpy one but now I have real one.
Mothers really are often times inspired in what to buy their children.
Remember the best gift?
I still get the chills hearing him sing…..
August 13 is the day that I will be falling in love with him.
Mark your calendars.
I went to the park and met up with Jace and his friend and her kids.
I just had to get out of the house.
Oh heck.
Those kids were so cute.
They played on the play toy and then went it got too hot we headed to the splash pad.
Me and the Rock ran through the water shooting up through the ground and Andy just liked the puddles.
So. Cute.
When I got home the roomies were preparing to head out for the ward campout.
I sent them off and I headed to Colten’s for his baseball game.
We sat.
We watched.
We talked.
Jake showed up after his test and looked like he had been crying.
His allergies had been acting up….
Or so he said.
I told him to tell people his cat died.
We made our way to Wal-Mart and raided the allergy medicine isle.
We then decided that we needed food…
After all…
It is my birthday.
We went on a while goose chase with Colten.
Let’s not talk about it.
In the end, me and Jake went to Gringos [a Mexican restaurant] and ordered hamburgers just because we could.
We just talked and ate and partied.
It’s fine that we got there at 9:52 and they close at 10.
Nice people to let us crash their cleaning up and closing party.
We finished up and headed back to his apartment where we finished his Book of Mormon homework and talked to the roomies.
When the clock struck 12:45 we headed back to my little house.
Guess who was there?
Tyler and Jennie, of course!
We walked through the doors and the floor was filled with toys of all kinds.
Parachute men, all sorts of balloons, the balloon bubbles, confetti guns, sharks growing in water….
The list goes on.
Let’s just say they spent $20 very well at the dollar store.
We played and it was fantastic.
It wasn’t too soon before they talked me into watching a scary movie with them.
Me, Tyler, and Jennie all squished on the couch and covered ourselves in blankets and began this adventure.
…. I fell asleep.
I’m not quite sure when…
But I don’t even remember walking into my room and getting in bed.
And that’s how a college birthday goes.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 157.

Sometimes when you move to college you have a lot to do.
And sometimes when you move to college you don’t really want to do anything.
I did retake a quiz today and got thousand times better.
But also.
Happy Youth Day [2011].
Exactly one year ago today my friends helped me celebrate myyouth.
I have great friends.
I hope you did something youthful.
To celebrate my last day as a youth me and Michelle got snow cones.
As youth you are supposed to get snow cones.
The people at snoasis helped us celebrate by putting little umbrellas on ours snow cones.
Nice touch.
You win the prize.
When you’re in college you get impatient sometimes.
Like when it’s the night before your birthday.
We just wanted to play.
Emma made Lindy Lou’s cake.
Yellow cake with melt in your mouth chocolate frosting and ice cream.
We played around for a long period of time attempting to study and all that stuff….
Playing dress up and all that jazz.
Then they wanted to open presents since it was midnight.
They made me go in my room and wait until they had picked everything up from the neighbors and then came back and grabbed me.
They picked me up, covered my eyes and brought me into the front room where my new excitement was sitting in front of me.
The first thing I saw was the baby pineapple and backpack sized deodorant so I would always have some if I forgot.
I may or may not be contemplating forgetting to put some on tomorrow just so I can use my new special one.
Baby pineapple?
Have you ever seen one before?
It’s defiantly makes the ‘top 10 coolest things I’ve ever seen’ list.
I’m waiting until morning time to eat it because I don’t think it would be best friends with my stomach this late at night.
Have you ever met my roomies?
They’re pretty cool.
I love them a lot a lot a lot.
Do you know what Emma got for me?
She got me Travis.
My new betta fish.
I don’t think I’ve ever been so pleased with my life.
Where’d they get the name Travis?
It’s sort of a secret.
But me and Travis are going to be tight like spandex.
….. or fish scales.
Take your pick.
Birthday parties at midnight are the best.
Try them out sometime.
Here’s to being 19…..
What adventures are coming at me next?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 156.

It’s official.
This may be one of thee longest weeks of my life.
But it’s my birthday week…..
So that’s a good thing, right?
Classes were……
In Book of Mormon we talked about becoming Zion, like the people were in 4 Nephi.
After class I walked home with Kristie and we discussed the most recent Bachelorette….
Which I haven’t yet watched…..
My mother doesn’t like the fact that I watch [so called] trash tv.
All I know is that Ashley will not be finding love.
No one is finding love on that show….
Maybe they should stop.
Or not.
It’s just too entertaining.
At that moment in time Jace came over and taught me how to Latin dance in my front room.
Dancing is not something I was blessed with.
[I’m sure you already knew that]
I headed to class and talked to the BFF Jill on the way there.
Wedding plans are going good.
Class was boring and somehow I managed to stay awake.
On the way home I ran into Tyler and we headed to the mailbox hoping we received letters from our missionaries…..
We were so excited.
I ripped my keys out of my bad, stuck the key in the hole, twisted it, and opened it.
I think that somewhere during the process of opening the key and looking in the mailbox, the little door flew out of nowhere aka flew off and cut my eye brow.
It obviously wasn’t that deep because Jake had to dig through my eyebrow in order to find where the mailbox had jumped out at me.

I don’t exactly remember what happened with my life next….
Oh yeah.
Clean checks.
It was my job to clean the appliances.
Wipe down the insides and the outsides of the fridge and microwave, clean the oven off, and wipe down the dishwasher.
It usually isn’t that bad….
But today when I was cleaning out the drawers in the fridge I found something.
See that thing between the carrots and cactus?
That would be an onion.
I thought I was possibly a small rodent until I picked it up and could see the other side.
It was white and oniony.
Gag reflexes?
I feel like I still have a pit in my stomach from seeing it.
I knew that I wanted to check the mail again.
I knew that something was coming today.
It had to especially after the eyebrow slicing incident.
But I didn’t expect it.
Miss Mayghen Decker had sent me a birthday package.
My day had been made.
I was squealing like a little girl.
Do you know what was in this package?
Justin Beiber purple finger nail polish.
A headband.
A mix [made with love].
And my favorite part?
The singing Strawberry Shortcake card.
Mayghen Decker?
I loaf you ;)
The rest of the night went as follows:
Hit the snooze button twice.
Study for retake quiz.
Harp Ensemble at 7:30 in the Barrus concert hall.
We only stayed for a half hour.
As much as I want to be cultured….
I couldn’t do it.
We stayed until they played Music of the Night from a personal favorite, Phantom of the Opera.
I walked Colten home and we chatted.
Then I went to Sterling and Jakes for a lot of minutes.
Then we came over here.
Now I’m sitting on my couch hearing my bed call my name.
My Strawberry Shortcake sheets are calling my name…..

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 155.

Today was great.
Probably because it was a Tuesday aka not Monday.
Classes started at 9 instead of 7:45 which was grand.
The walk up to the Hinckley was just as boring as ever.
Good thing I had the Prince of Egypt singing to me.
In H&PofE we talked about Thomas Jefferson and our upcoming test.
That class always goes by really quick….
Sometimes an hour isn’t long enough.
I walked out of the Hinckley and saw Jake so we walked to his class.
He didn’t shave so his face looked….
I called him Edward.
Nothing to exciting in TinA&C…..
Except when Brother Samuelson was standing next to me and yelled my name so he could shake my hand.
It was a happy yell and was super funny.
Devotional was amazing.
The speaker was Sister Merrill she reminded us that we are all children of God.
I loved it.
After that me and Michelle prepared for Marriage Prep.
Engagement was the topic.
One day I’ll actually be able to relate to something in that class….
While doing my Book of Mormon paper, Emma brought me a spoon of peanut butter and Sarah offered us a single pizza rolls.
Sarah really liked us yesterday.
She NEVER offers out her pizza rolls.
We were pleased to get a single one.
Next adventure for the day?
A stake dance.
BYUI 1 stake held a dance on the lower fields next to the baseball field in between the hill and the skating rink.
It was freezing.
The cookies were good.
I danced with my 2 favorite men.
Jace and Colten.
I can now say that I have officially mastered the Waka Waka and whipping my hair back and forth.
Isn’t that all people do at dances anyways?
We also played a game called let’s find the most awkward couple at the dance.
It was tough.
But we succeeded.
The dance ended around 11 and we headed home.
We finished homework and all that jazz.
I attempted to blog but the internet was not agreeing with me.
We all went to bed with headaches and woke up with headaches.
Anywhere but BYUI I would be worried about that…
But I think it’s due to the lack of hydration.
Who wants to drink water when it’s sunny and 80 degrees in Idaho?
…..Not me or my roomies.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 154.

Mondays sometimes make me want to run away.
Maybe it’s the fact that it’s Monday…
Or maybe it’s the fact that I had a 7:45 class today.
No need to worry….
I didn’t sleep.
But when I did decide to comment it sounded like I barfed out a bunch of random letters hoping they would sound good together.
They obviously didn’t because my teacher gave me the weirdest look.
Then I explained that it was Monday at 7:45 and my brain wasn’t awake yet.
Good thing everyone else was doing the same exact thing.
I am proud to say that I did not trip up the top step in the Clarke today.
Usually it’s an everyday occurrence.
When classes were over I decide that I needed to hit the books…
The I got distracted.
Imagine that.
Me, Michelle, Sarah, and Tyler went to get snow cones in honor of the fact that it was nice outside and that it was BFF Jill’s Birthday.
Too bad mine looked and tasted like puke.
See ya…
Me, Michelle, Jace and Colten headed to the store to load up on frosted flakes….
3 for $5.
How could I pass up an offer like that?
I also was healthy and got carrots and milk.
Best part?
Helping Colten shop.
Bless his heart.
I thought we had a successful shopping trip with him.
By the time we got to the checkout stand he had [in his cart]: 2 cartons of ice cream, pepperoni, apples, hot dogs, hot dog buns,spaghetti sauce, 2 bags tortilla chips, granola bars, and no one can actually remember what else was in there….
It was a success.
Michelle even bought a cactus leaf slash arm to eat.
99 cents.
What more could we want?
We were super excited to embark on this adventure of eating a cactus arm.
It tasted like green, slimy grass.
Never again.
Do you know what today is?
June 20 aka my BFF Jill’s birthday.
Once upon a time we were little and in high school and this picture makes me smile everytime.
Possibly because we’re babies.
Pretty sure when I met Aly in 4th grade it didn’t work out so well.
We were friends for a while…
Until that fateful day when she beat me in student council elections for 4th grade girl rep.
I was bitter and didn’t talk to her for….
The one day we were put into the same ward.
Imagine that.
From then we were just besties.
Just call us the queens of adventures:
daily hot chocolate runs, listening to adventure songs, eating Wendy’s in the church parking lot, pine cone pals, dancing in the rain, watching chick flicks, running lines for the upcoming show, painting small figurines on my birthday while contemplating ways
to get out of what was to come,staying up and telling stories, watching you be
the lead in a show and being so proud that you’re my bestie, rain boots, little
notes, running away with me, Hale theater plays, $20 preference dresses, EFY,
hiding in her car in the parking lot, driving hot cars, watching awkward
couples at the make out park, Café Rio, running to her truck in the driving range
during the cold winter times, boy drama, plotting sneaking out-ness, swings,
singing Phantom of the Opera so loud, nubs, weeklong slumber parties, flying SpongeBob
kites, tennis lessons, doughnuts, balloons, matching swimming suits, cookie runs, teaching you to drive stick shift in front of someone’s
house, arm tickles, picking split ends, late
night phone calls, weekly Sunday walks/drives at the temple, photo shoots,
painting doors in the summer time, popsicles, daily texts with new found songs,
high school dances, happy sumo, poster board cards saying “Oh Henry!” being
made in the middle of the Maceys parking lot, missing curfew, running away
during church, imagining the future……..
Thanks for always being the best friend I know I can always count
on. Thanks for letting me tell you all my weird stories and listening to my weird ideas and humoring me in everything I do. You came into my life when I needed you the most and you pulled me out of my rut. You have blessed my life in more ways than you will ever know. I’ve missed not having you with me here up at college. I hope you’ve had a fantastic birthday.
I love you.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 153.

Sometimes I get up early on Sundays to clean my room….
And then I get distracted.
It’s a slight problem.
Today was full of many mini adventures.
Getting ready was one of them.
Church was great.
We learned about Eternal Families in Relief Society.
We learned about in a parable in Sunday School.
And in Sacrament meeting we had a new member confirmation.
It was an awesome experience.
Church was over and we made cookie bars in preparation for the ward sister missionaries to come over and teach us about the restoration of the gospel.
That was also an awesome experience.
No need to fret.
Our meeting with them didn’t go without interruption.
Sterling walked in…
And said….
Not so blog appropriate words.
Trust me.
It’s BYU-I appropriate.
We were laughing so hard.
If only we had recorded the look on the girls faces…..
They finished, we ate cookie bars, they left, and Sterling came back over.
The next few moments consisted of calling our new 6 year old friend Brigham just to hear him say “Sterwing.”
Then we called Mason.
Mason and Brigham should be best friends.
The night went on….
Then Sarah decided she needed to do me and Emma’s make up.
Oooooh boy.
This “fun” went on for quite some time….
My face felt like it was playing dress up.
Let us remind ourselves that I don’t wear makeup…
And this was some sketchy looking black stuff she was putting on my eye lids.
The final outcome was a tad bit frightening.
I was officially EMO.
Saturday night I had painted my nails black because I am a behaviorist and am influenced [often times] largely by my roomies.
Best picture of the night?
I think I’d fit right in with KISS….
You know…
The band?

Me and Emma had a party with this idea of sketchy makeup.
To complete my outfit I put on a black shirt, back skinnies, and obviously, Sarah’s black heels.
Michelle took the pictures.
Sarah and Jake just laughed.
Sterling was our modeling coach.
[Odd. I know.]
It ended up being fun even though I had to scrub my face multiple times to get off the makeup
….. and it still wouldn’t come off.
Baby shampoo?
Who would’ve guessed?
The best thing about yesterday?
It was Fathers Day.
At the genius idea of my dad we drew pictures of our dads.
My dad is fantastic.
Though he is 300+ miles away I love him more than anything.
He is always there for me. I was thinking about some of my favorite memories of
him and the list went on forever.
I loved whenever my mom was at work on Saturdays and for lunch he would make us sandwiches, cut them into fourths [the triangle way] and stack them up really tall on a plate.
I loved when I couldn’t drive [yet] and he would come and
pick me up from work and we would talk all the way home.
I loved when we drove down to Fillmore to visit my grandma
in the hospital after she had a stroke and he let me drive the Honda on the
free way….. I didn’t even have my permit yet.
I loved when we drove to and from my grandmas viewing and we
talked all the way there.
I love the hugs he gives me when I come home from college.

I love the fact that he is worthy to hold the priesthood and
is able to give me blessings at the beginning of the school year or whenever I
might need them.
I loved when I would have a bad dream, I knew that if I went
to mom’s side of the bed she would tell me to make me a bed on the floor, but
my dad would scoot over and let me get in with him.
I loved when he would take us down to Fillmore on the weekends
when he had to go down for the guard and we would buy chocolate licorice.
I loved when my dad brought me home Harold from Chicago when
he went there on business.
I loved when my mom was in the hospital having small
children and he would attempt to put my hair in a pony tail… and it didn’t
I loved how my dad would coach me in Jr. Jazz and softball
even though sports weren’t my forte.
I love having a dad that all my friends love and want to
come over to see.
I love having a dad that will sit on the front porch and talk
to me.
I love when my dad sends me a text saying “Roll Tide.”

I love when my dad tells stories from his childhood and his
I love how I have my dad’s mark of excellence on my ear.

I love my dad more than anything.

Happy Fathers day.

I love you.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 152.

So there was this one time that the adventures last night went really late.
We made it back in time to get in bed just before 1 am.
I was exhausted.
I also had to get up at 6 am for a field trip.
Teton Dam. Island Park. Madison Slide. Cabin Creek. Hebgen reservoir. Mesa Falls.
I got up, got ready, and packed my field trip sack lunch.
Buses met for takeoff t 7:30 and we headed out of the BYUIC parking lot at 7:45.
The drive was soo long.
First we headed to the Teton Dam where we heard how it was a 1000 year flood and Rexie and surrounding areas were completely flooded in 1976.
The drive from there was up to the caldera of a volcano that had erupted 2.2 billion years ago.
During that drive we passed the Grand Teton Mountains.
They were unbelievable.
The next stop was the Hebgen Reservoir area.
Years ago it was a camp ground, but a land slide turned it into a mass grave.
We watched videos in the visitors center and hiked to the memorial .
Chicago wind has nothing on Idaho wind.
We saw how the area was affected by what had happened. 
Growth was just beginning to return to the hill where the
slide occurred and see the trees poking out of the water?
Mass flooding had occurred.
It was so unreal that something like that could actually occur

The adventure continued as we got back on our huge travel busses.

On the way to the next stop we passed an area in which the church owns.

Did you know the church buys things from interesting people aka the mafia?
There is a church owned [biology] learning center in the middle of nowhere which was formerly owned by a plastic surgeon working with the mafia.

When the church bought it, it was full of secret rooms and dog runs, and a bunch of other sketchy stuff.

I don’t give the mafia enough credit….

Idaho was a smart spot to hide from everyone who was hunting them.

If I was chasing the mafia I wouldn’t think to look in Idaho…

It’s full of potatoes, college students, and nothing.

All the sudden as we’re driving through a bunch of trees I see sign that catches my eye.

“Welcome to Montana.”

What the?

I am pleased to say that I made my first ever trip to Montana yesterday and was able to spend a lovely afternoon there.

We were pleased with the fact that we had passed the continental divide and were now in thee Atlantic drainage area.

Basically if I spit in Idaho if would flow to the Pacific Ocean….

But if I spit in Montana it would flow to the Atlantic Ocean.

We continued the adventure, hit some other stops [which I can’t really remember] and headed back to Idaho.

Oh! We stopped in an area where the freeway all the sudden goes missing and you can find it again a quarter of a mile away.

Watch where you drive.

By then I had made a friend with a human, which of whom we share a mutual friend.

We walked around together and talked about random things.

Next stop: Mesa Falls.

On the way to Mesa Falls was kind enough to put on a movie for us.
What about Bob?

When we got to the falls it began raining on us…
But the falls were amazing.
Me and the new friend tried to figure out ways that he could jump onto the rock 50 feet away, in the middle of the water to get his picture taken.
Unfortunately [or rather fortunately] we figured it would get us kicked out of class and Mesa Falls.
We took pictures for strangers visiting the area and then headed back the bus.

The way back I slept and played a game with myself called why the heck does the kid behind me have a nasty mustache and how could I shave it off/pull it out while he isn’t looking.


This is not me confessing that I talk to myself.

After a long day, the busses pulled into the BYUIC round about at 5:30 and I headed home.
Now it was time to party.
I played dress up and we headed out the door.
Me and Michelle and Jake went to Guitars Unplugged in the Hart and played a few games.
‘Who doesn’t want to be here’ and ‘whose here on an awkward date.’
Then we listened to the performers.
The we danced.
Or rather they danced around me and I just stared at them awkwardly.
It tends to happen.
We headed home around 10 so we could get some homework done.
It was a blast.

Day 151.

Friday is always thee most looked forward to day in the week.
Especially today.
I only had one class…
But it just so happened to be the one at 7:45.
I got up the usual time, got ready for class, and Sara Bareilles serenaded me as I walked to the Clarke.
I always wonder why I get up and go to class when its only an hour and then I remember why.
Education isn’t free anymore.
Class was over soon enough and as far as I remember I was able to stay awake the whole time.
After class I walked into a strange building which I don’t frequent so much, walked to the quiet corner on the second floor, plugged my computer in, and started my homework.
It’s official.
The library is a magical place.
I was there for a couple of hours and got enough done.
The adventure for [early in] the day was building cakes.
A friend of the brother was turning 19 and so he figured a cake was a necessity.
But first we drove to IF to get him some hair stuff.
We love driving adventures.
We got home and began our cake building.
He wanted a fish.
I poured.
He mixed.
I baked.
He frosted and decorated.
Let’s be completely honest.
I was really quite impressed with his creativity and decorating skills.
Are you impressed as well?
You should be.
Later that evening I was able talk to the [old] roomie on the phone.
We chatted it up like we still lived together.
It was great fun.
While I was talking to her I remembered I needed to go get my ticket for Spring 2011 Guitars Unplugged.
After I picked it up from the machine I decided to stay outside since it was so nice…
It was decided that I was just going to sit at the stadium.
Don’t fret.
Guess who was there?
Mr.TA man.
I’m not stalking him.
I promise.
Once I saw him, I remembered that he had announced that he had a game Friday at 7.
I watched for a while then decided not to make things awkward and left.
I realize that he did come sit next to me in class and we talked…..
Baby steps…
I headed home and the roomies were ready to go roller skating.
Don’t fret [again]
There was no one there to give us skates or anything.
Ugh [again].
We moved to the next alternative.
Pizza [with crazy crust] and baseball games.
We weren’t there for that long before Jake texted and said we were going to a bonfire in IF.
We drove drove drove and got off at some exit I didn’t know even existed.
We drove some more until we turned onto a little dirt road in between a house and a telephone pole.
We drove on a sketchy road.
We walked down a sketchy dirt road next to a canal.
We were picked up by a man in a big white truck.
We drove through a barley field.
We ended up at a fire right next the Snake River.
We were there for a short amount of time until things got sketchy.
We decided that since we didn’t get to have any super adventures and since Emma wouldn’t jump into the Snake River we needed to get a treat.
McDonalds to the rescue.
Chocolate dipped cones.
So much better than Arctic Circle.
We saw pre-pubescent teens walking through a dark parking lot.
That was odd.
We drove home.
Thank heavens Jake was driving because the 3 girls fell asleep.
Exciting part of the night?
Being in Jakes car when it hit 10,000 miles.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 150.

Sometimes it’s a real joke to add another picture once everything is already there….
But like I said…
This is worth another post.
It was 8:30 when “the gang” was all together and we needed to do something for Emma’s birthday.
When we asked her she said that she wanted to ride a bike.
Not a peddle bike.
A real bike.
A man bike.
So we put on our jackets and went out hunting.
Jake tried to wave down many different bikers but they drove away [faster].
Finally as we were walking past the Campus View apartments we saw a yellow bullet bike parked out front.
Jake being the extrovert that he is started knocking doors.
Door #1 didn’t know whose it was.
Door #2 told them it belonged to the guy in the back.
Door #3… Winner.
Jake told this man [aka Ryan] that it was Emma’s birthday and she was hoping to ride a bike.
He went back in and grabbed her a helmet.
He came back out, made sure her helmet was on tight, shook her hand and introduced himself, and they were on their way.
It was thee most fantastic thing ever.
You win the prize for [finding] the best birthday present.
They went on a nice long ride and soon enough they were back.
My birthday is next weekend…. ;)
We got home, made brown sugar soup and peanut butter hot chocolate, and then went to the boys to watch Nacho Libre.
Emma hasn’t seen it.
It was a very very very successful birthday night.
Happy birthday again!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 150.

Oh what a day it has been.

The festivities started right after midnight.

We were just too excited we couldn’t wait.

It was Tyler and Emma’s 19th birthday.

Do you know what that means?

I’m officially the baby in the house.

We pulled out the little cakes from our secret hiding place
and filled them each with 19 candles.

They made a wish and blew them out.
And we ate.Chocolate and vanilla cake at 12:30?

Can you say sugar rush?

It wasn’t too long before I knew I needed to go to bed.

I thought I was supposed to register for classes today so I
slept on the couch…

I slept very well…

But then I didn’t even get to register today.

It’s tomorrow.


I’m not too worried since my mom is a pro at getting

It ended up being okay since the house was all decorated.

Sarah stayed up all night to do her paper, decorate the
hall, above the girls doors, and put a sign about the kitchen-ness.

Class was exciting…

We talked about how people don’t respect us because we’re “just

Strange concept, I know.

Comments such as “Oh. You’re better than that,” or “Don’t
waste your time and money” were a few examples of things that have been said to
my peers/future teachers.

Strange people.

Don’t complain or you can teach your own kids.

In TinA&C we didn’t have anything planned so
we watched a few youtube videos and then ran around looking for art to discuss.

My group ran to the 3rd floor and found a picture
of a frog who looked like a sphinx that
was probably drawn by a small child.

We likened it to Frankenstein and the Muppets.

It was fantastic.

I came home and we took a picture with the birthday girl in
our crowns next to the ‘present’ door.

The rest of the day was pretty slow.

We went to twizzleberry so Emma could get her free 12oz cup
and just danced then walked home.

And tanned.


My face is freckely… but my body is not tan yet.

All I want is to not look like an albino.

Is that too much to ask?

All I have to say is that I may or may not have gotten Emma
thee best gift.


Once upon a time Emma came to Utah with me and fell in love
with my family.

She wanted a picture with them.

She decided this as we got to church.

The family went to classes and it never happened….

So I took matters into my own hands and found a family
picture with her in it.

Imagine that….

The night was full of other adventures.

I need to post a picture.

It’s worth an extra post.

All I have to say is Emma.

I love you.

Thanks for being a fantastic roomie and always putting a
smile on my face. I am so pleased that we were able to room together this
semester and then again next semester. I hope we have so many more adventures.

All I have to say to Tyler is…


I think you are one of thee
greatest humans and we loved being able to hang out with you on Tuesday and

Happy Birthday Ladies.

Welcome to real adulthood.