5:00 wake up for work
5:15 hair
5:45 get dressed
6:00 go to the kitchen to get lunch made for work and eat breakfast
6:05 go to the garbage to throw away a wrapper and notice the garbage is pretty full so I decided that [instead of taking it out] I would just push everything down further to avoid taking the trek outside in the near freezing cold to the garbage. It just so happened that there was a can lid in the exact place that I had planned to push down the garbage.... all the sudden... SLICE!
The can lid had won the battle with my finger.
I washed it out and put a paper towel on it hoping to stop the bleeding.......
Thanks to my dads boy scout-ness it stopped bleeding and I was ready for work. I only worked for 2 hours when Team 9 FTLA told me I looked like a ghost....
..Not to mention I was quite light headed.
They sent me home.
My mother picked me up and we headed for the doctors office....
....If you know me well you'd know that I do not like doctors.
Yes. I still go to a pediatrician.
Even though I don't like doctors, he's a pretty nice guy.
I felt elderly when I walked into the waiting room full of toddlers.
Not to fear.....
I got through quickly.
As I waiting for the doctor I dreaded only one word.
I took a long deep breathe as he said the wonderful word....
I was safe.
Look [below]... it looks so much better than it did at 6:00 this morning.
Its been successfully glued in place for the past 7 hours.
Lets hope it stays.
My favorite part was the fact that he gave me a purple dinosaur bandaid.....
Call me a kid but it truely was the best part of the visit.Me and my mom like to go on adventures after doctors appointments.
When I had appointments up yonder in South Salt Lake-ish area we liked to treat ourselves to the Cheesecake Factory.
We've never actually had the cheesecake since we got to full....
We went to stores and I got stuck in multiple sweaters.
Really. The absolute best part of my day was when I got a letter from Elder Cloward :)
I'm speechless.