Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 222.

At this current moment I’m sitting in the MC with boyfriend doing homework…
He thinks I’m doing homework….
Secretly I’m blogging and attempting to play that awkward couple game….
Unfortunately there aren’t too many awkward couples out this late doing homework in the MC…
They’re probably having social lives or sitting in the library.
Either way…
I’m sure it’s a lot more fun than sitting in the MC.
Last night I was a little bored and a little tired.
Boyfriend wasn’t feeling too well so he left really early after sleeping on my couch for about an hour and a half…..
After he left I remembered that my hair was driving me crazy and I wanted it cut.
Do you know what I did about it?
I handed Meg a pair of scissors and told her to let me get it all wet.
Let’s keep in mind that it’s just past 11 o’clock and my mind is running from me…..
We spent approximately a half hour working to trim my hair over her shower.
I was pleased with it when I got up this morning and did it for the day.
No one would’ve even guessed that she learned how to cut hair on youtube…
Except for the fact that there is a section of hair in the back that is approximately an inch longer than everything else…..
It adds character.
Gotta love that the roomie was brave enough to hold scissors to my hair that late at night.

Today was fun.
Bishop’s office.
Take a break and hunt down the I-card compatible vending machines.
Purchase orange juice and lifewater.
Work was entertaining [as always].
Devotional was great.
We learned about the temples that are going up all over the world.
After I went to the temple.
I had forgotten how much I love the Rexie temple and the people who help there.
I was one of the first one there after devotional so I made it through relatively quick aka 20 mintues.
I ran home to make boyfriend dinner.
I have never made boyfriend a real dinner and we’ve been dating for almost 3 months.
I figured that since I’ve been craving chicken and rice for the past week I would make that.
He didn’t really get much of a say….
Chicken and rice and salad and rolls.
That may or may not be the most healthy thing that I’ve made since I’ve moved back to Rexie.

I really should get back to doing my homework since I just remembered that clean checks are tomorrow and I need to hide Travis.
Apparently they made a new rule…..
No fish.
But really….
Travis is more than my fish.
He’s basically my bfffe.
Best fish friend forever and ever.
Don’t fret.
It is Tuesday which makes tomorrow Wednesday.
Do you know what that means?
Colty leaves in one week.
My other half is going to be serving the people of Jackson Mississippi and I can’t believe that he’s old enough to go on a mission.
I’m barely old enough to go to Chuck-E-Cheese’s without an accompanying adult.

Last thought.
Josh Groban.
Thanks for sticking with me through the good math problems and the bad math problems.
It’s nice to know that you’ll always sing to me even when I want to throw something in the direction of my math classroom.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHA you are too funny. The chuck-e-cheese comment killed me.
