Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 226.

It is a Friday evening.
[And] Yes.
I got yelled at over the phone for the first time.
I tried to make it a win…
But it turned out to be a super fail.
Oh well.
I have a feeling that it won’t be the last one.
[And] Yes.
I got my work friend to buy thee most fantastic/slightly entertaining book.
[And] Yes.
I need to be doing homework but instead I’m blogging.
I need to apologize to myself for not blogging…
You see….
I wake up every morning and remember that I didn’t blog [yet again],
But I still check just to see….
I secretly hope someone will jump, skip, or hop into my mind to put all my thoughts onto a word document and then transfer them to blogger along with pictures and [almost] funny comments.
[That’s not a joke.]
I’m sorry, self.
I’ll do better.
The past couple of weeks have been crazy.
But I love it.
I love Rexie and I love BYU-Idaho.
Lets see.
Top of 5 favorite things of yesterday?
[These are most defiantly in no particular order…]
#1. Coconut Chocolate doughnuts from Paradise Bakery at 6 am.
Meetings are a drag.
6 am morning meetings are a super drag.
But fun.
I quite enjoy my office family.
When we get together we eat and laugh and tell/listen to office stories….
One day I will have real life office stories to tell.
#2. Men putting covers on their cars in the Delta Phi parking lots.
Me and Jacie had a heart to heart.
I love Jacie.
Once upon a time she was my next door neighbor and we partied.
We talked for an extended period of time and watched this human awkwardly put the cover on the car.
[please excuse the bad pictures to come…
My phone lens had a smudge on it and I just realized it.]
#3. Extremely large pizzas from 5 Buck Pizza.
Shane purchased 5.
When you purchase 5 extremely large pizzas…
[okay. False. He purchased 2 extremely large pizzas that had to be cut in half in order to put them in boxes and one regular large pizza.]
You naturally have to share them with random humans.
But I guess they weren’t completely random…..
Just mostly.
The pizza was shared with the male humans who reside in Arbor Cove.
You know…
The one across the street from Porter Park?
Best part?
#4. Playing gargoyles and sitting in their fake windows for substantial amounts of time.
My butt hurt.
No worries.
#5. Boyfriend made steak, egg, cheese, and potato breakfast burritos for lunch.
Super win!
I pondered the thought of wishing that I would’ve had a picture of them….
But actually I wish I would’ve had a before and after picture  of the kitchen.
Sometimes men forget how to clean….
And so when I touch anything I stick to it.
Happy [late] Thursday.
Happy [present] Friday.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 225.

I know…
I fail at this game called blogging.
No one needs to tell me.
I remind myself of it quite frequently.
It’s fine though.
Who really has time with school, work, and homework, and boyfriend?
But today was weird.
My other half left on a 2 year adventure.
Let’s be completely honest.
[Just like graduation…..]
I never thought this day would come.
But he’s out and he will do great.
Elder Whatcott.
I love you.
Good luck.
I can’t wait to hear about all of your adventures in Mississippi!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 224.

Guess what.....
Blogger isn't being my friend and isn't letting me post as planned.

It’s 1:23 am and I’m still waiting for boyfriend to call me so that we can read scriptures together….
My guess?
He went home and fell asleep.
Oh well.
He has to sleep if we’re traveling to Utah tomorrow.
Today has been a great one.
I worked at 8 am…
Except I spent an hour of my time in a training meeting for managers.
Math was super entertaining.
For approximately 45 minutes Sister Crisp talked about how she doesn’t like swearing or anything close to it.
Hence the math assignment to listen to people talk in a public place for an hour to see what kind of language is used.
English was great.
I’m pretty sure my professor sounds like Rex off of toy story…..
And he’s always energetic.
One day when I’m as old as he is I’ll be super energetic.
I didn’t have middle east today so I spent an hour and a half in the MC people watching (not listening) and doing homework.
At 2 I headed to FDSCI and me and some of the kids that I have English with decided to start secret club.
Me. Lisse. Derek. Cameron.
After class I called boyfriend and headed to work.
Shannon is homecoming queen aka we were headed to Idaho Falls.
I was relieved to get off of work at 5….
It couldn’t have come sooner.
My body was ready to be done for the day.
I’m not used to this “Go! Go! Go!” idea……
After making sure Morgy was still living I headed to boyfriends house so we could head to IF.
Don’t fret.
He’s fantastic.
When I got there he walked to his cabinet and pulled out a treat for me….
Chocolate covered chocolate doughnut.
I was super pleased.
I was.
We sat at the homecoming football game and I remembered why I was glad that I am no longer in high school.
That place was full of people searching to find themselves.
Bless their hearts.
Shannon looked absolutely beautiful but kyler was my favorite.
Little men in tuxes tend to melt my heart.
After the game we headed back to the house to play games and party [some more]
I was so pleased to see that me and boyfriend are on the fridge….
That may or may not be almost as many pictures as the missionary.
He gets 5.
We’re just working our way up.
Time for bed.
See you soon Utah!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 223.

Sometimes I just cannot wait until Friday comes around…..
Except this week really hasn’t been that bad.
Lots of working and even more homeworking.
Today was exciting.
In SpEd 221 we learned discussed whether or not general education and special education should merge.
There are pros and cons of each.
I haven’t quite decided my thoughts yet.
After class I headed down to the MC to do some homework
[…yes. It’s never ending.]
While in the process of doing homework I also talked to Colty on skype, listened to Josh Groban, and played the awkward couple game slash listened to the couple behind me plan their honeymoon…
[...yes. That’s was also a tad bit awkward.]
Around 12 I got a text from boyfriend and we headed to lunch.
We are best friends with Subway.
When we were done I headed to class.
Family Foundations.
It was good.
We just did usual family foundations stuff.
Came home.
Took a nap.
Got dressed.
Went to work.
Systems down?
We just talked and partied as always.
Just the same old, usual weird housing stuff.
Deep freezer?
No comment.
5:00 finally came, I forwarded the phones, and ran out the door.
Homework in the Taylor occurred until a little after 7…
When I got home me and Morgy made dinner just like we once did……
Don’t fret.
We relived our very first moment together.

Me and my nasty sweats would like to give a shout out to my mother…..
“Hey mom….. I’m wearing my nasty sweats and loving it.”
See you soon, Utah!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 222.

At this current moment I’m sitting in the MC with boyfriend doing homework…
He thinks I’m doing homework….
Secretly I’m blogging and attempting to play that awkward couple game….
Unfortunately there aren’t too many awkward couples out this late doing homework in the MC…
They’re probably having social lives or sitting in the library.
Either way…
I’m sure it’s a lot more fun than sitting in the MC.
Last night I was a little bored and a little tired.
Boyfriend wasn’t feeling too well so he left really early after sleeping on my couch for about an hour and a half…..
After he left I remembered that my hair was driving me crazy and I wanted it cut.
Do you know what I did about it?
I handed Meg a pair of scissors and told her to let me get it all wet.
Let’s keep in mind that it’s just past 11 o’clock and my mind is running from me…..
We spent approximately a half hour working to trim my hair over her shower.
I was pleased with it when I got up this morning and did it for the day.
No one would’ve even guessed that she learned how to cut hair on youtube…
Except for the fact that there is a section of hair in the back that is approximately an inch longer than everything else…..
It adds character.
Gotta love that the roomie was brave enough to hold scissors to my hair that late at night.

Today was fun.
Bishop’s office.
Take a break and hunt down the I-card compatible vending machines.
Purchase orange juice and lifewater.
Work was entertaining [as always].
Devotional was great.
We learned about the temples that are going up all over the world.
After I went to the temple.
I had forgotten how much I love the Rexie temple and the people who help there.
I was one of the first one there after devotional so I made it through relatively quick aka 20 mintues.
I ran home to make boyfriend dinner.
I have never made boyfriend a real dinner and we’ve been dating for almost 3 months.
I figured that since I’ve been craving chicken and rice for the past week I would make that.
He didn’t really get much of a say….
Chicken and rice and salad and rolls.
That may or may not be the most healthy thing that I’ve made since I’ve moved back to Rexie.

I really should get back to doing my homework since I just remembered that clean checks are tomorrow and I need to hide Travis.
Apparently they made a new rule…..
No fish.
But really….
Travis is more than my fish.
He’s basically my bfffe.
Best fish friend forever and ever.
Don’t fret.
It is Tuesday which makes tomorrow Wednesday.
Do you know what that means?
Colty leaves in one week.
My other half is going to be serving the people of Jackson Mississippi and I can’t believe that he’s old enough to go on a mission.
I’m barely old enough to go to Chuck-E-Cheese’s without an accompanying adult.

Last thought.
Josh Groban.
Thanks for sticking with me through the good math problems and the bad math problems.
It’s nice to know that you’ll always sing to me even when I want to throw something in the direction of my math classroom.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 221.

Don’t judge.
I may or may not be eating my 3rd quesadilla today.
I think I’m craving greasy foods.
Freshman 15……
All over again?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 220.

Laundry on a Saturday morning is basically suicidal.
It took me 2 hours to get everything done.
Not to fret.
I was patient.
I started out in the baby laundry room just below us but people don’t like to share washers and dryers so I headed over to the bigger laundry room and got my stuff in pretty quick.
The humans that use the big one are much more pleasant to be washing my clothes with.
Thank heavens I have a smart mother who bought me a clothes drying thingy.
There is no way I would’ve been able to spend any more time in the laundry area.
People get a little sketchy when it comes to washing their clothes.
I figured that getting up by 10 would give me plenty of time to do everything….

But I wasn’t even finished by 2 when the boyfriend came over.
He told me the plan.
We were going to take a break and do stuff until 5 and then do a couple hours more of homework then do something exciting.
He wanted to get something to eat and since I had approximately nothing to eat….
I really have nothing to eat here]
We took a walk down to Broulims and then to Ramirez’s.
He said that even after the burrito he wasn’t quite full and was ready for dessert.
At that exact moment my brain remembered that there was a doughnut shop around the corner.
Do you know why me and Jacob are dating?
Because we both love doughnuts.
We headed there….
He got 2….
I got 3…
No comment.
Once the bag was handed to us we headed to Porter Park to eat them.
They were fantastic.
Oddly enough….
I even loved the cherry and custard crème one.
We sat and chatted and observed the strange humans who go to the park on early Saturday evenings.
On our way home we stopped at the Rexie block party….
Now that I think about it we didn’t play the awkward couple game.
[Another] thought.
I love my roomie.
Her name is Mayghen.
Today I came home to a Diet Coke that she had purchased for me at the store.
She knows me all too well.

We often joke about how we are the perfect roomies because it’s basically like we’re married.
We spent so much time together in yearbook and other random things that we just get along.
When talking about this she explained that we’re like an old married couple who has been married for 39 years and is just trying to make it to 50 years.
We get along great.
We have our moments.
We apologize and move on.
We both even make our beds…
I must really like being her roomie if I make my bed for her everyday
[except for today…..oops]
He did his homework.
I tried and succeeded in doing mine.
It wasn’t to long before Shane showed up and guess where we headed…..
To get food.
These 2 men have stomachs like bottomless pits.
At Albertsons Shane got chocolate milk and wheat thins….
I got pretzel crackers.
Boyfriend said he wanted Jumba Juice so we made that our next stop.
Just in case you forgot….
Tonight was the BYU vs Utah game.
The crossroads made a part out of it and we headed up to the MC to meet up with Marissa and watch the game.
When Utah started to tear BYU to shreds me and boyfriend figured there was no point in staying….
So instead we went on an adventure to his apartment and watched a movie with the roomie, other roomie, and his girlfriend.
Now it’s time for bed….
I’m getting too old for this stuff.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 219.

Fridays are thee greatest things…
Even though my day started at 6 ….
I survived.
Work from 8-10 was a blast.
It just so happened to be raining in Rexburg at that time…
It just so happened that Rexburg rain is cold….
And I didn’t have a jacket.
By the end of the day I looked like a wet dog.
Me and Leticia did coin aka laundry money in all on-campus housing….
In the rain.
So much for getting ready.
Once I was done with work I headed to class….
Who does math when Justin Beiber can be talked about.
While people were drawing diagrams on the board….
Jacie was declaring Justin’s love for me, her, and some random human in my class who also likes Justin.
Classes continued….
I didn’t have my Middle Eastern class so I decided to spend that hour and a half in the crossroads eating buffalo wing pizza, people watching, and doing homework.
People watching and eating buffalo wing pizza tend to be a little difficult when homework is being distracting.
Oh well.
On my way to my next [and final] class I got a call from Jace who was standing in line at Subway.
I love my brother.
He is the best human I have ever met in my life.
I love that I can always talk to him about anything and that we always have a good time together.
All I have to say is….
[One of my many] Pet peeves?
When teachers let you out of class late making you [me] late for work.
Work started back up at 3 and we spent the next 2 hours replying to emails and other such fun things.
After work I headed home and guess who I ran into?
Boyfriend, of course.
He was heading up to finish up homework in the Austin building…..
On a Friday evening…..
What a trooper….
But instead he turned around, came home with me, ate some food and headed back up.
It wasn’t too long before he was back and we were piling into Shane’s truck with him and Marissa.
Wendy’s was calling our names.
After eating we figured it was the perfect night for a drive in movie…
The nearest drive in is in Idaho Falls.
Being the smart college students we are we compromised.
We grabbed a laptop and hopped into the bed of Shane’s pick up.
She’s the Man is always a classic and since Shane had never seen it….
It was [obviously] a must.
I love college….
And it’s only been a week!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 218.

Get to know you games.
They’re a real gem.
Today in Issues in Special Education we happened to play one.
It’s called stand up, introduce yourself, and say what object you would want with you on a desert island.
Do you know what I said?
My betta fish.
Do you know why?
Because I felt a special bond with him today after giving him a bigger and cleaner jar to live in.
Now Travis really likes me….
Together with our group we had to combine all of our objects and find a way to survive.
We had Dayquil, Travis, a baton, and pictures.
Do you know how we got off the island?
Send Travis off into the ocean with a picture of us, letting people know that we’re still alive. While he is on his journey over we survive by killing food with our baton and once we’re sure that Travis has safely made it over we pour Dayquil in the ocean…. Killing off all sea life providing a way to swim across and live.
Classes were good.
Do you know what I love?
When humans put their diet coke it water bottles and men who have really low narrating voices.
I only had 2 today so I was able to stay awake in both of them.
[Also] a win.
After class I headed to work.
It was fantastic.
There wasn’t too much to do today……
So we just played.
We got a care package full of treats and tried them all.
I laughed so hard that I cried.
Supervisors talking about their high school glory days.
Treasure hunting.
Hanging out in the HR office for a bit.
We talked and had fun.
I really happen to like my work famiy.
I even answered lots of phone calls….
Every single one of which I was able to figure out by myself.
I was proud.
[Another super] Win.
We got out around 5 and I headed to the Taylor building to start my homework.
I was finished about an hour later but not before all the football player men gathered in the lobby.
Men and their football.
Boyfriend called me 3 times to tell me that they had dinner waiting at Marissa’s house and I needed to get there asap.
Crab and chicken quesadillas and cookie bars.
Shane loves crab.
He decided to delight us with this.
We had fun cooking and hanging out.
Shane and Marissa left to go meet some of Shane’s [married] mission buddies and before me and boyfriend had gotten back home I had a text saying she had already been asked how long they’d been married.
My reply?
Welcome to the club.
We chatted with them for a while and then came back home, talked, and ate more cookie bars.
Me and boyfriend discussed how we’re past the 2 month dating point.
Do you know what that means?
It means that sometimes we annoy the heck out of each other…
But it’s fine.
We get over it.
And then everything is okay again.
He’s a lot better about not acting annoyed than I am.
I still like him even though we both have our moments.
He’s a great human.
I’m sorry I’m never home.
One day I will be.
Oh the joys of college.
I got all my homework done today….
Aren’t you proud?
Let’s just hope I can survive a 9 hour day tomorrow.
Happy [almost] weekend.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 217.

Second day of school and I already felt the need to be done.
Hopefully I get used to things quick because this whole school idea is still feeling new to me.
Between work and school I think my middle name will be changed to….
Stress case.
Quinci Stress Case Whatcott.
We’ll see.
I got up and headed to class at 9….
Issues in Special Education.
It’s always funny to see who is in what classes.
We have one boy in there.
He’s majoring in Child Development.
Nice kid.
I worked for 2 hours and talked to Ashley about how her name should’ve been Ernie Ann.
Her last name may or may not be Burt.
It was super entertaining.
I learned how to coin and took a nice walk to all the on campus housing complexes.
I was off by noon and headed to the bookstore to wander until family foundations started at 12:45.
Did you know that we are memorizing the “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.”
It’s a good think that I’m so good at memorizing……
[can you hear the sarcasm in my voice right now?]
I met up with boyfriend and the roomies for devotional in the BYUIC and we listened to President Eyring’s son……
President Eyring.
It was great.
Came home.
Ate lunch.
Did nothing until 4:45 when me and boyfriend headed to the library to do homework.
We were going to be done by 7:30….couple more hours worth of stuff.
I wasn’t done until 8ish and even then I still had a couple hours to go…
We packed up and headed to Wal-Mart where I picked up batteries, printer ink, some school supplies for the brother, and a super cool watch.
Boyfriend said no to the Justin Beiber watch.
I figured this one was just as cool seeing as it is the EXACT same one that I had when I was approximately….
A small[er] child.
I was so pleased.
But I still think the Justin Beiber watch would’ve brought even more joy into my life.
We decided that our stomachs needed some nourishment and headed to Ramirez’s.
[Apparently] it’s the Beto’s of Rexburg…..
I wouldn’t really know because I’ve never been to Beto’s.
Boyfriend got the crazy drink…
Did you know its cinnamon rice milk?
I didn’t.
Now I know.
The breakfast burritos were extremely large…..
But extremely good.
I was so pleased that I at approximately 95% of it.
I may or may not be going there soon in the near future…..
[Mom… This picture is for you. I know how much you love when I blog about food ;)]
We headed home and I knew that I needed to do homework.
He walked me up to my house and I started [even more] homework.
I looove homework.
It’s not that bad when you actually know what the assignment is.
Next time I won’t fall asleep in class on the first day of school.
Jace came over and we talked for a bit.
He got his school supplies and his DVD player and headed out the door.
Oh school…
This is gonna be a super fun/crazy/busy/insane semester.
[once again….]
Pray for my sanity.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 216.

First day of school?
The beauty of college is the fact that there are 2 first days of school.
Morgan and Megan were the first to go….
Then me and Sami.
First day of school pictures by the front door?
Math was first.
Do you know who I sit by in math?
My bff from 313.
Do you wanna know what I learned in Math today?
It wasn’t anything that had to do with addition or subtraction……
But instead I learned that apparently I said no to a proposal and also that a family member of mine had passed away….
When was someone going to tell me that that happened?
I feel like I missed out on a lot in my life.
The FDEng was super entertaining…..
My teacher has a definite love/hate relationship with writing and I loved hearing about it for the whole hour.
After that class I ran ran ran to the Benson Building for my middle east class….
I talked to the girl next to me about my experience at the Jonas Brothers concert many years ago.
I’m old.
That was like 4 years ago.
Then I talked to Colten on the phone for as I headed back down to the center of campus and ran all over the Romney building just to find room 172.
Don’t fret.
It was on the first floor…..
Where it’s always been….
Where I used to pass it every day….
I fell asleep in that one….
I tried not to.
I really did.
It just didn’t work out so well.
It may or may not be due to the fact that I forgot about breakfast and lunch.
My brain needs food.
True story.
We were let out of class late so I ran across campus to work.
Work was good.
I answered the phones and did many other things on the computer.
I came home and ran to the store with Meg and Emma.
I left the store with $49 worth of chicken, bread, ham, butter, cookie bar stuff, fruit and NO cookies.
I left the store with NO cookies.
Heart break.
We headed home, went to the ward social, came home and am currently playing phase 10 with the roomies, boyfriend, boyfriends bff, and boyfriends cousin.
One day I will get my homework done on time and I will get to bed before the sun decides it wants to.
Tomorrow should be full of……
[Another] first day of school, devotional, and another day at work.
Oh the joys of college.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 215.

Sundays in college aren’t like Sundays at home.
Me and boyfriend went for a walk in the morning time before he had to head to church.
It seemed odd to feel like we were the only people awake…..
At 10:30.
When boyfriend went to church I headed over to visit my husband.
[Don’t ask].
We caught up on things since the last time we had talked aka like a week ago.
1:30 came and it was time for church.
I’m may or may not be a little bitter over the fact that I’m no longer in Bishop Mckellar’s ward…..
It’s fine that they decided to redraw our ward boundaries.
I think the 61st ward will be just as great.
The human who taught Sunday School was from American Fork.
He graduated in 2008.
I may or may not have looked him up on facebook just to see…..
And we had no mutual friends.
After church I took a nap as we anxiously waited for boyfriend to get here.
He had picked up a letter for Meg and a package for Emma in Idaho Falls.
Once he got here we made quesadillas[obviously] with the quesadilla maker and then some friends came over.
I did slice my knuckle on the can lid.
I am so pleased that my friends are here from last fall time.
Once upon a time it was a year ago that I was a brand new baby freshman.
Kiah and Rachel came over and we talked and laughed about everything from our first semester.
Now we’re all grown up….
At least Kiah is ;)
Once they left me and boyfriend took Meg for one final walk around campus….
Technically boyfriend took Meg for a walk around campus because Colty called me and we chatted for a while.
I didn’t think it was going to be hard to have my other half not up here and heading on his way to Jackson Mississippi a his mission…..
But wanna hear a secret….
I’m kinda sad that he isn’t up here and is leaving so soon.
It was good to chat with him for a bit.
When we got home Meg informed me that I needed some alone time with boyfriend because he was driving her crazy.
[hahahahahaha….. I love you, Meg.]
Fair enough.
All day me and boyfriend had been playing a game called:
Let’s see who can annoy who the most.
Unfortunately I’m not sure who the winner of that was.
We decided to watch a movie.
Don’t fret.
Out of Step was the only option.
Perfect Sunday evening movie.
No worries.
School [and real work] start tomorrow.
Why does it not feel like it’s time for school?

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 214.

Sometimes when you’re in college…..
You just want to go home and crawl in your own bed.
But when that isn’t an option, you, the boyfriend and the bff roomie run away to watch Never Back Down in the boyfriends car....
The day started around 9:00 when The MC bell woke me up.
I avoided the shower and took on the adventure of organizing my things in the kitchen…..
There is no need to fret.
My cabinets is full of top ramen, boxed dinners, tuna, and cake mix.
Boyfriend and brother came over a little after noon and we just chilled.
Then the bishopric came to visit…..
Nice men.
We figured that since it was the last Saturday before school started we needed to do something great.
Big Judds?
Winner [again].
It is a fact that I had not yet eaten there….
We all piled into our cars and headed out.
Boyfriend wasn’t looking until the last second….
He looks a little lost.
No worries.
We ate.
And ate.
And ate.
1 lb [large] burger, fries, drink, ice cream.
I hate to break it to the Idaho community….
But JCW’s is still my favorite.
We got home and chilled.
Me and boyfriend went for a walk at the duck park and skipped rocks into the river.
There were TONS of ducks.
It was fantastic….
Even though we didn’t get to see them due to the mass amount of humans standing around them.
One day….
We headed back to his car and were about to pull out when a sketchy looking car pulled up next to us.
An old man got out of the drivers seat.
A small girl got out of the back seat while holding a box.
They walked approximately 2 steps to the plants, dumped the box over and left.
That’s what I thought.
Boyfriend figured it was necessary to wait until they left to see what had been put there.
We waited and finally they were gone.
There was nothing there.
We figured it must be some small animal….
Spider Monkey?
No one actually knows.
I still put my vote in for ashes.
We headed back….
“Partied” with some humans.
No explanation necessary.
It was time to watch a movie….
So me, boyfriend, and the bff roomie headed to the lounge which we had reserved.
There were humans there already and I didn’t feel the need to kick them out.
We went to boyfriends house and it was a fail….
So we all crammed in the back of his car and watched the movie on his laptop.
[Double] winner.
Do you know why we did that?
…..Because that’s just what you do when you’re in college.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 213.

Officially moved in?
My kitchen boxes are still sitting on the floor and have yet to be touched.
Don’t fret.
The bedroom is finished.
It’s so nice to actually have furniture and feel like it’s finally a home.
It was nice to have the parents up to help and to finally have all my girls here.
The last few days consisted of trying on work appropriate clothes….
Trying on shoes….
Pencil skirts….
Red Robin burgers….
And other wonderful things.
Do you know why we partied?
Because my mother turned …….
My mother is quite possibly the greatest human that I have ever met.
From the time that we would come home from preschool and would have string cheese and hot dogs waiting for us until now when she called me at 7 am on my first day of work.
I love my mom.
Over the years she’s always been there for me whenever I’ve needed her.
Good times or bad times.
She humored me and got me a zhu zhu pet for Christmas when it was the only think I asked for.
Every Sunday for as long as I can remember she’s always making treats.
She always tried to be home when we got home from school so we wouldn’t have to come home to an empty house.
Me and her had lots of wonderful adventures during my Kevin days.
We could never just go to a doctor’s office….
It always included a trip to lunch.
We like to joke about silent letters and people watch.
We share [or shared] the love of diet coke…..
And café rio.
I love that I can always count on her and she’ll always do her best to give me the best and to fight for me….
Even if it requires switching my 4th grade teacher, and my junior high, and my math teachers.
One day I’ll grow up to be just like my mom.
She’s my best friend and someone I can always count on.
I love you, Mom.
Happy Birthday.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 212.

Dear Rexie.

I’m home and couldn’t be more excited.

Words can’t describe how pleased I was when I walked in on
Monday night to a painted apartment.

It really feels like home.

I couldn’t wait for my girls to
get here.

I’m not exactly a fan of staying
in my apartment….

By myself….

At night….

And in the morning.

Work was great.

I conquered the tower at the
ropes course.

I was so proud of myself.

[You should be proud of me

I wasn’t going to do it.

But I couldn’t not.

It was fine until I got to the
first platform…..

That’s when I wanted down.

Don’t fret.

The inner athlete inside of
myself climbed all the way to the top.

We finished up, headed to a
steak, chicken, salad and ice cream lunch.


Then the really exciting stuff


For 3 and a half hours.

Good thing I found a way to keep
myself awake.

It was so good when Sarah decided
to come and stay the night.

I was a huge fan of no longer
staying by myself in this apartment.


Work was fun today…

More training….

More answering phones and not
knowing what was going on….

More of everything.

One day I’ll finally understand
what I’m doing in the office.

Pray for my success.